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Phew, it was hard, but Thanathos sent the finished beta last night, and I managed to correct everything today.

Since the Harry Potter chapter was the Christmas present, you can consider this chapter the Sanguinala present...



So, how much are you enjoying writing this arc? From your earlier comments, it sounds like you've been planning this for literally years...


Very much, thank you. Though to be honest, Arc 7 wasn't where most of the focus was. I mean, I always wanted to use Sliscus and pirates at the beginning, but all the details you are busy enjoying came in the last months of studies/reflexions. To be honest, it's Arc 8 I've always thought 'that will be a fine thing to upset canon' and we're soon approaching the decisive moment...


Wait wasting the pirates count towards one of the two major conflicts right? Or did that pirate killing not count towards a major conflict as it ended in a one way slaughter?


It counts as one, yes...or it will count as one once the battle is over and Sliscus is defeated, since the conflict is not quite over yet.