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As promised, here's what I've written so far in the last few days on the Weaver Option. I hope I will be able to complete the chapter by the end of next week.

Hope everyone enjoys!


Boris Michenski

If all that was written in last few days... then allow me to bow before your limitless greatness. So, some reasonable nobles are shown, Gastaph Hediatrix is less likly to become Fabricator General of Mars and participate in the fall of whoever is the cause of Age of Terror. On the other hand with Oath and Vote Taylor will have friends in Solar if it goes that far. Wonder if Vandires will learn about it. And the number and size of ships going to Pavia is still growing. And Taylor have many new shiny toys... Either way she has an ultimate defence against enemy artillery: Vista, and if it's not enought - Clockblocker!


Sending tech-priest to Librarius Omnis as punishement. I recommend to send tech-priest that have survived to be close to Leet for a year. They would probably see it as a vacation or at least a safer kind of work.

Mackenzie Buckle

interesting what is weaver planning with space marine chapters?


She's trying to increase the medical and tech support base of the Adeptus Astartes as a whole. That way, assuming one or more Chapters suffer a catastrophic battle, the Apothecaries and the Techmarines left to guard the fortress-monastry or the homeworld have more chances to rebuild the Chapter in a few years.