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Big patron update today, just regarding everything going forward and such ^^

New Characters and Future Content

Currently, I've taken a short pause from the upcoming robot animation to work on something that's more of a personal project of mine (A WIP will be posted later today). In doing so I had a bit of self introspection regarding the future of things and what I'd like to do with my art. So, If I'm being frank, as much as I am enjoying working with my current characters, I do aspire to create and work with newer stuff in the future, something closer to a 50/50 balance of existing IP's and OC content. Basically, just different characters then what I currently have. I understand that might be disappointing to a few or even many here, however, it is my opinion that most people would recognize the value of investing my energy into projects that I am passionate about rather than strictly what will generate me the highest amount income and likes.

Reading this back it does come off that I hate working with my current models lmao, which is certainly not the case. Its just that now its getting to a point where I'd like to explore more creative and interesting ideas that I have, rather than thinking of it in the mindset of "I need to create an animation with X character."

With all that said however, this doesn't mean that I will never touch them again. If anything, this probably comes as a much larger deal that it actually is! Also to add, whenever there is a character/creature I'd like to work on revolving around an existing IP - I will still do it too. There will be a lot more OC creatures and content than there is now, but I would like to keep a balance between the two at least for the moment. (For example the vortigaunt that I have been working on and off on).

The type of content I create wont be changing either, so it'll be a cold day in hell when I don't give a creature at fat, pelvis crushing ass lol.

I suppose a good TL;DR for this would be - I'm going to be slowly moving on from the current set of characters that I'm using and focus more on OC content and different IP's . I will still be making models based on existing franchises, this will just be less prominent and only when its a character that really grabs my attention. Will still do stuff with my current models, just wont be as frequent.

WIP Updates

I was thinking instead of doing project updates on an individual basis, I will compile them into a bimonthly progress report that I will post at the start and middle of a month. Starting from next month. This way you can see if I'm slacking on a particular month and proceed to yell at me in messages :)

Discord Server

Thoughts on this? With Twitter seemingly always on the verge of collapsing or just outright banning nsfw content and Bluesky being in perpetual invite only mode. Should I create a server to host all my stuff? I suppose with this I would also be able to post a lot more smaller frequent updates and get real time feedback from patrons too!


Roy Artorius

I would absolutely love to join a discord server!


As long as you enjoy making it, it'll be fantastic... especially if it has a fat ass 😤 Looking forward to seeing more OCs! Also, would be super down for a discord!

mythic legend

I’d love to join a discord of yours! Also please don’t stress yourself it’s all good


Discord would be great! And the art you make is wonderfully well done no matter what characters you use.


I for one would enjoy hanging out on your discord server if you make one, best place for me and maybe some others to receive updates