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One of my longstanding loves is anything related to Lovecraftian/cosmic horror genre. While this is quite a wide description, I'm typically referring to the late 20s and early 30s New England seaside town ambiance; one filled with unusual occurrences, trawler captains going mad, and secret rituals honoring unknown alien gods. Given my recent update with where I want to go with my art, now seems like the perfect time to delve deeper into these ideas!

Before I share the character design I've been tinkering with, be aware that this is only a rough, kitbashed concept of what I was envisioning. It's not completely polished yet, but as I'm really digging the look, I plan on refining certain details (rigging, textures, etc.) in the future.

So here the chonky deep boi is!

This particular Deep One has a mix of a fish-crustacean-humanoid head design rather than the common froglike or fish head that's typically portrayed in "most" media, however keep in mind that lore wise, their designs can vary a fair amount! This would also mean I can do do other designs later on! Also decided to make this one quite chubby (must have eaten a lot of unfortunate townsfolk) I think it fits these fish folk quite well ^^. He also does have a giant dick, its just not visible for the render as I wanted to show off his ass curves from the front :)

Now onto the scene! My idea for this was to have him be ensnared by a passing fishing trawler's net, up in a position where his legs are raised and his fat ass is squeezing slightly through the mesh. There's gonna be a few different angles so I decided to flesh out the background a bit too, though it will be mostly foggy. Anyway, here are the rest of the WIPS related to the project!

Concept of an angle of the render

Process of the environment

Net Simulation on posed character

Character high poly detail and sculpt



Looking good!


I never cared much about whether or not a character comes from an existing IP, and this character design? has my full support, i want to see this fish butt animated ^^