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It's effective, but he needs a reading!  The shackle of acquiring data points! :o




"Now I have no tenure, and I know why, hey hey, 'cause I got high, because I got high, because I got hi-igh, la da da da dadada..."

Brighttail Faux Pas

So I had a suggestion to help jan. There is a potential catfight between Andrea and Jessie on the horizon. I was going to suggest us patreons could help him stage an epic fight in two ways. The first is announcing whether you are Team Jessie or Team Andrea. The second is purchasing a 3 page (half comic) or 6 panel (full comic). Those that do would be able to have their character hand your Team's gal something to splash/whap/splut/thowck, ect the other with. You could also have the two roll through something. Examples to be: Rolling through a mud pit and then through a chicken coop, coming out the other side 'tarr'd n feathered'. Splash them down with honey as they fall through a market selling fresh honey. Give one of them a fish or large foam finger from your favourite sports team. I'm sure there would be some rules/limitations but right now I'm looking for interest. If you bought a 1/2 page you'd get a 3 panel setup. If you got a full page you can do 6 panels. Overall probably looking for 4-6 full pages to do for the fight before it ends. So who would be team Andrea and who would be Team Jessie. And who would be willing to sponsor a 3 or 6 panel page?? :) :) Vote through replies.