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Where is Silver?  Follow the mayhem!

I missed drawing these two screwballs.  We'll be with them for a good while ^^

Also, I want to remind you to submit your address for the 2019 calendar by the 31st (next Wednesday).  I've received 80-some submissions, but 160+ of you are eligible!




The giant axe didn't say anything! How did Tor know?


probably he got carried away and didn't know... "there is her axe, conveniently leaning at this easy to climb tree, but she is nowhere to be seen. So my only conclusion can be, she was magically teleported away by wizards and I will never find her. So screw this, I'm just shaking this tree to stir up some pigeons instead...." That's proper Tor logic, won't you agree? :-)


Andrea fascinates me. Perpetually shy and squeaky, but apparently has no trouble losing her clothes in front of Tor's camera. (Ever since the first scene of the first chapter!) Given that, it might be reasonable (but still wrong) that Jessie thought she'd be more tolerant of her hijinks.