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(Links updated to Beta 0.12.1)

Hey everyone!

Here's the next update for Zombie's Retreat 2 - Beta 0.12!

IMPORTANT: Out of respect for all the $5+ Patrons and the team that works so hard on Zombie's Retreat 2, please refrain from sharing this build/link with others.




Nadia's story gets the spotlight for this update as you can now deepen your relationship with her.

Her younger brother Isaac has gone missing ever since the zombies attacked the city but Nadia insists that he's out there somewhere.  Surely he's not still alive?  Either way, Nadia won't stop until she knows he's safe so there's not much of a choice but to help right?

This update was a lot of fun to make!  It took quite a few attempts to piece the story and Nadia's personality together in a way that I was happy with.  But the end result is something that I hope you all enjoy!

I also decided to bring back a once scrapped concept for a mini boss...  If you'll excuse me, I have some much needed sleep to catch up on haha!


That concludes another update for Zombie's Retreat 2!  The next update is going to be a bit of a special one so stay tuned for more information about that soon.

If you find any bugs or typos, be sure to report them my way over on the Discord channel.

Thank you all so much for playing Zombie's Retreat 2!




I still can't make red wine after I have a bartender qualification