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Hey everyone!

Simple post today but I just wanted to remind everyone that the new update to Zombie's Retreat is planned to release in a few days.

The planned release dates are Friday, March 24th for $5+ ZR2 Patrons.  And the free/public release will be on Monday, March 27th!

It turns out, another, much more well-known zombie game is releasing this Friday as well.  Hopefully it's a good weekend for zombie fans! ;)

The next update will be a short but special update for Leslie & Meredith for winning the first two Character Showdown tournaments.  This also means I'll be updating Zombie's Retreat 1.  I'll be talking about that more after Beta 0.12 releases.


I hope you all are having a great week!  I'll see you soon with the new ZR2 update!



What is the game that the post mentions?

david onan

im stuck in the sewers i just cant shoot the guy ugh