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Hey everyone!

The Zombie's Retreat 2 teasers and updates will resume shortly but this was a bit of an eventful week so I wanted to post a general update detailing what's happening!

== ZR1 Steam Release ==

It's cancelled.  The usual 2-3 day approval process was turning into a 1-2 week process which was already making me feel uncertain about it.  Then I found out recently that they did NOT approve the game for various explicit reasons so it's out of my control.  

The only place to purchase ZR1 is on itch.  Sorry to those looking forward to it on Steam.  Went through a hell of a lot of work to get it on that platform just to get turned down on the last step feels pretty shitty but I can't do anything about it.  Time to move on.

== Legacy Edition & November Reminder ==

Do not forget, the special 'deal'/promo/thing where $5+ Patrons can receive ZR1 on itch for no added charge/purchase ends after November is over!

In addition, I also think I'm going to remove the Legacy edition from the downloads once December begins.  If you aren't familiar, the Legacy edition uses the original character busts for any of the character's who received a 'refresh' during the final update.

The regular Windows & Android versions will be staying of course!

I want to remove the Legacy edition because I've received so many questions about what it even is and at this point, if you wanted to see the original busts, you probably already downloaded it.  Removing it in December should minimize any unnecessary confusion.  Hope you all understand.  So get the Legacy version asap if you want a copy of it!

== Zombie's Retreat 2 ==

As a reminder, I'm hoping to have a playable Alpha build of Zombie's Retreat 2 in December and starting in Dec, this Patreon page will shift in design & focus on the new game.  

I want to make this VERY clear before the Alpha build releases: 

The Alpha build of ZR2 is going to be rough around the edges and very short.  In case you weren't around during the Alpha of ZR1, this update is meant as almost a demo or teaser of the general game.  It takes time to get the games far enough along to start feeling 'complete' so please make sure your expectations are in check with that.  Do NOT expect a full game like ZR1 was in it's last few updates.

As was the case with ZR1, ZR2 will see incremental updates that slowly but surely round the game out to feel more complete and fluid.  (not that kind of fluid but I guess that'll be a thing too...)


Alright, that's everything for this update!  Again, sorry it's not the most positive news but I had a feeling the Steam release wasn't going to end well X_X  Atleast I know for future reference not to bother with that platform.

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you all soon with more ZR2 updates!



Is zr1 mc in zr2 or a new mc intirly.


I haven't found ZR1 for purchase anywhere and when I look on itch it is not listed.