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Hey everyone!

Grab your pool floaties and sun screen because the Zombie's Retreat cast is celebrating summer in this upcoming update!

== Beta 0.15 ==

This update will add the third and final planned costume pack to round off a wave of various holidays/activites.

Beta 0.15 will include FOUR new costumes!  Two of which feature brand new busts!  I was a little biased giving one to Leslie but there is also another character who received a new bust due to being the most popular vote for the event.  She will be revealed later on ;P

Something I do want to make clear- this event will be a bit more brief.  I don't intend to go all out with an entire 'world' like the Halloween update.  Expect this to be a shorter build, partially to help give me a break to work on wrapping up Town of Passion's main story as well as working on upcoming projects.

This build is still an early WIP so no release date but that will be more clear once the scenes start getting closer to completion.

== Beta 0.16 ==

I'm getting a lot of people asking me if the story to Zombie's Retreat is done.

The entire story is NOT over.  The previous update just finished up the 'main' storyline.  I can't explain exactly what that means due to spoilers haha.

Beta 0.16 will add a bonus chapter later this year with a very important story event that might explain a couple of loose ends.

I will reveal more of that as we get closer!


That's everything for this update!  Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you soon with more teasers & updates =D




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