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Hey everyone!

Got a big news drop on the updates and schedules of things so let's get right into it

== Release ==

Looking at this time next week: October 23rd for $5+ Patrons!

However, this build will be a little smaller than usual and I'll explain in the next topic:

== Swapping Builds ==

In the last update, I was contemplating swapping the builds around and have decided to go ahead and do that.  So now the new release schedule is as follows:

Oct - Lady in Tent's quest begins (SMALL UPDATE)

Nov - Spooky Fall (Halloween) update

With this, I'm still committed to the 3 updates in 3 months that I promised.  

Let me re-emphasize though, this month's update will be a smaller one!  

Originally, I wanted Jessie to get a scene in this upcoming update.  It's too risky now as it might not be finished in time so now that scene is planned for after or during the Nov update.   Like I said, a little messy, but effective!

Something to note about the Lady in the Tent.  This will only be the beginning of her quest line.  I intend to have her get a few more new scenes throughout the development of future ZR builds.

Spooky Fall (Nov) progression is moving along now too.  All of the new costumes are complete and Scarlett's begun working on the first new scene!


Phew, hopefully I explained this clearly!  Sometimes IRL commitments interfere so the best I can do is work around those things haha.  I think everything will work out just fine though!

Thank you all for your support and I will see you all next week with the release of Zombie's Retreat - Beta 0.10!




would love a vampirella looking character you can have fun with, you know, as a halloween bonus


love the game. wish there was more of the base building though. i know the house is connected to the powerplant under the camp. but a back up power source would be nice also a chance to upgrade the entrance to the camp. mabe a watchtower so that other survivors can be on the lookout for zombies heading to camp.