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Hey everyone!

Sorry for this update being delayed.  Typically I do ZR updates on Thursday and completely lost track of time.  On the bright side, I finally got an Android phone yesterday so that means I can test my own projects on Android =D

Anyways, there are some updates to the next ZR build!

== Halloween -> Spooky Fall ==

Originally this month I was hoping to release a Halloween build with new costumes and scenes.  It seems that Scarlett has been out of town, however, and progress on art hasn't been able to happen quite yet.  So instead, the Halloween build is still happening but I'm going to re-theme it as a 'Spooky Fall' build since that content will likely release in November instead.  Since ZR in general is a spooky sort of game, I don't think this will make a huge difference ultimately.

Also, that doesn't mean October still will not have a build released:

== NEW October Release (Beta 0.10) ==

The original idea for the build AFTER the Halloween build was going to focus on the lady in the tent and Jessie.  The lady in the tent has an interesting gimmick applied to her scenes that you can actually get a teaser for on my twitter (SirensDomain) [Can't link it due to ToS].

Her planned content isn't entirely finished but I have two echo scenes (same pose/scene but different characters) that are ready to be released and if people want it, I could release those this month as sort of a midway update.  Otherwise, the November update would be packed with more scenes than usual.  Let me know your thoughts on that!

Because of the delay in content, Jessie still won't have any scenes yet.  But the lady in the tent, if you like, I can release the first scene that she has early to give you guys something in October.


That's everything for now!  Sorry that things have to be restructured a little bit but sometimes irl commitments happen and force us to be a little more flexible with things.

I'll gauge feedback on the proposed build releases and I will see you soon with more news/updates!




i cant play the game??


Já joguei o jogo e penso que já oguei todo o conteúdo que tinha o esperando a versão 10 auguei pode me em dica um jogo parecido ou similar para eu jogar