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Hey everyone!

A new build of ZR is available to download for Android. A lot of users were mentioning problems with their game not installing on their devices. This build makes a first attempt to try and fix that.

== Explanation ==

When I tried porting ZR 0.8 to Android, I was having a lot of difficultiesultimately leading to me reinstalling the program and starting from scratch.

Unfortunately, somewhere along that process, this new download error seems to have appeared now. When you fix one issue, you create 3 more! Please bare with me as I try and figure out how to solve this but fingers crossed this first update does just that. It is also possible that I simply can not find and fix this issue. Android is not a platform I am very familiar with and it is not an easy process.

My apologies for the inconvenience. Thank you for your support & patience!



Create two more male heroes in the game Zombie's Retreat as zombie hunters or who will plunder and hunts the main character and women living in his house. And then the men in the game a little and the logic of such cases as the zombie Apocalypse will always be looters. Thanks for playing.


How do i shoot lmao