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Hey everyone!

The latest Zombie's Retreat build, Beta 0.8 has gone live for the public release!

This build takes a bit of a detour from the usual story progression and add a bit more variety to some pre-established characters as well as making tweaks & gameplay adjustments to help polish up some of the finer details.  

This build also introduces a new feature that I've been wanting to try out; special events!  Special events typically involve a costume change for particular characters and places them in more unique situations ;) I plan to create around 2 more special events throughout ZR's development.

ANDROID: I had some technical issues trying to port this version over to Android requiring me to uninstall and reinstall the required programs.  I did a quick test and I believe this apk file is functional but just in case there is a major issue that I did not find, I've left the Beta 0.7 apk download as a back up.  Fingers crossed it's all running smooth!


Thank you all so much for your continued support!  I will see you soon with news on the next build of Zombie's Retreat!




Hey Siren,I'm a chinese,I always love your game so much,whether the ZR or the TOP. Actually,I very like the costume change of the TOP,so I hope the ZR will also have the same,not “special events”,but a normalization. Thanks for your game,I will always support you.


Fighting 3rd wave of zombies on Surprise Encounter and Blow My Whistle on Android tablet is mission impossible. Not sure how difficult/easy it is on PC. Otherwise love the game as it is! ;)