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Greetings adventurers:

Another city street map. I'm enjoying these and thinking that it would be fun in the future to make a city map made of multiple district maps that form one large map.

Scene Flavor:

While the PCs are catching their breath after their fight with Abithriax, Lord Jarmaath contacts them again. Fighting has moved into the city streets, and the defenders are trying to slow the horde’s advance into Brindol. They’ve managed to do so with some success on the secondary streets, but they’re having a rough time with the Dawn Way. Lord Jarmaath wants the PCs to support a group of soldiers stationed on the Dawn Way just west of the marketplace. These soldiers are preparing to battle waves of invaders moving down the road, and without the PCs’ aid it looks like they will soon be overwhelmed.

Click the link for your tier maps!)

  • Free - Logo Gridded Ground Floor
  • Map Seeker - Gridded and non gridded Blockade day version
  • Map Mercenary- Gridded, non gridded, day, and night versions of Blockade and no blockade
  • Map Adventurer, Foundry- All of the above with the prepared Foundry Files, dd2vtt file and Dungeondraft file

Up next:

The Coffin Makers Shop: One of the Red Hand’s most dangerous killers, a blackspawn raider ninja known as Skather, infiltrates the city and establishes himself in an abandoned coffin makers shop, whereupon he begins to snipe at important NPCs using his shortbow to great and terrible effect. The PCs must get into this house and kill the sniper or force him to flee.

Happy Adventuring!



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