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Hello again friends!

I finally had a pretty good and problem-free week last week LMAO I got a fair bit of script writing done and also coded a few important UI and scipt event things as well.

Here's the general idea of what I've written of the rough script for so far:

Or in more verbal terms, I've written the rough draft for Day 1 and Night 1 now. What's left is Day 2, Night 2, Day 3, Night 3, 'The End', and a few events that may occur at fluid times based on the player's choices.

I also finished styling the 'You Died' screen :D It's kind of a more fun style than my previous ones, but I think it suits this game.

Aside from the writing and the death screen, I also got some very fun coding set up for Night 1's script events. I was hoping to be able to let the player look around themselves with mouse movements- and I got it working!

I've also got the code ready to go for letting the player click on buttons on the background [ to search cabinets and stuff ] and I'll be getting the gruntwork for that done next week!

I suppose there's one last thing- I came up with an idea I really liked this week and I set up the starting code for it too. 

I thought it would be really cool to award the player a 'death token' every time they die. The player can collect these death tokens and spend them on the collection screen :D

One thing I want to let players spend death tokens on is seeing the names of endings they don't have, and also hints or even basic walkthroughs to get endings they're struggling with.

A player could choose to never use hints of course, but I thought it would be really nice to give players some help for endings they're struggling to find without forcing them to go on the internet to dig for walkthroughs.

I'm very happy with idea and I'm excited to set it up later! Though, I probably wont get into that for quite a while since I don't think I'm going to do much with the collection or warning screens until I have the script and placeholder images done. [ Easier to build CG gallery when I have CGs, etc ]

Anyway, I think that's it for this week! Really good week I think! ^o^ Next week, it's back to the grind with writing Day 2.

Thank you guys so much for your support!!!

Stay safe and have a fun weekend <3



That is such a sexy death screen 😍 And I really love the death token idea, because sometimes I just want a *little* help but don't want everything spoiled by going to guides online. Plus it feels more like I "earned" it! I'm excited about being able to look around manually too! Everything looks so great, you're making awesome progress!


This is coming along so nicely!!! Love it