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Hello again friends!

It's update time and I bring news of more of the same LMAO!

I've been continuing to hammer at the writing for the DLC and I'm happy to say that I'm making a lot of steady progress, but I have to admit that it is going a little slower than I originally hoped for. I'm a bit behind my projected place in the story that I wanted to be at.

However, I think that what I'm writing just has a bit more substance than I was expecting. The story is linear, but I'm adding more details and scenes than I originally loosely concepted. The first intermission was especially longer than I planned, and I think the second one will be too now that I've updated some of my plans.

In the long run, I think I'm willing to take an extra week writing to be able to make this story as dense as I want it to be. So- I was hoping originally that the writing would be done in one more week, but I think it will likely take two more weeks.

Once my rough writing is all complete, the next step will be to go through the entire story doing a combination of an editing pass and inserting placeholder sketches for all the art [ backgrounds, sprites, and CGs ]. This process goes pretty fast so I only see that taking about a week [ hopefully ].

Once the editing/placeholder pass is complete- I begin work on the real art, which will be what takes the longest. I have no estimate for that yet besides my very loose '2 months' but once I have the placeholders in I can give a more solid estimate. 

But in general, I'm pretty pleased with the progress so far! I might be overly optimistic, but I think this is some of my most interesting writing yet. I'm having a lot of fun, anyway :) It's very intense, like I mentioned before, but not entirely because of what's happening. It's more just the descriptive way that I'm writing- and I hope the art will help eventually as well.

Actually, I do have a few outfit concept sketch images I suppose I can share in here! Some of these are actually quite old now but I suppose there are no secrets between us specifically :)

Anyway, that's all I have for this week! I'll be jumping right back into the writing grind on Monday!

Thank you so much for your continued support! As always, it's an absolute pleasure to work for you! <3

Stay safe and have a great weekend!


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