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CG Completion: 123/181

Hello again my friends! HAPPY SPOOKY SEASON KICKOFF!

I have a bit of a 'bad news for me, good news for us' situation here.

Unfortunately, I only got 2 CGs complete last week when I was hoping for 2.5. I lost a day of work due to being overly busy with appointments and personal crap. [ it really does boil my piss but I think due to the following, it won't happen again as easily ]

The bad news for me is that my dating life sucks x'D The good news is that I have more free time for resting between work now! And honestly I think I learned a lesson. I don't think I can actually fit this work and dating into my life right now, not if I want some time with friends and family too. I won't lie, I'm a little relieved. I bit off more than I could chew and I'm happy to return to my single life again. I really do just want to concentrate on TPOF for now. 

So, the good news for us is that I'm re-committed to making TPOF my top priority. For now, I shall concentrate on my oldest and longest standing love, drawing weird shit <3

Anyway, enough about my personal nonsense! I do still have 2 CGs to show you, but I think I might need to do some censoring.

I think my censoring might be making things worse actually but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As you can see it was Mason's turn this week and I'm actually rather thrilled with how these turned out! It was a weird angle to draw but I'm so happy with how it came out. I even discovered a new weird effect [ on the second one ] where I duplicate the finished pic, reduce it to only one color channel [ red ], and use it as an overlay. It takes a bunch of fiddling and tweaking but it makes for a really cool effect once it's done! [ or I think so anyway xD ]

I might actually catch up on the missing work this weekend too. I don't normally like to do that [ because of burnout risks ] but it's a really simple no-character CG and I only need to do the sketch. And it's a shitload easier than driving 45mins both ways for a date so really I'm taking it easy LMAO

Anyway, thank you so much for supporting me for another month! ;0; I'm gonna double down and work really hard this September! I just adore autumn and I'm so jazzed to walk around in the leaves and work in the lovely cool weather <3 I have a feeling I'm gonna nail it this month +_+

I hope you guys are doing well too and settling back into life and routines comfortably <3 Happy Spooky Season!!! ^o^

EDIT: OH SHIT I FORGOT TO ADD, I'm actually gonna be taking a little mini-vacation this month ^^; I'll be losing 3 work days [ 22,23 and 24 ]. My friends and I pooled money and had enough to rent a boat for a couple days ^o^ I'm gonna do what I can to get as much work done as I can around it, and I think it will be really refreshing to be away from my computer for a while. Thank you so much for your understanding about this 🙏I swear I won't slack off or make a habit of this! 


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