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CG Completion: 121/181 [ we just went over 2/3rds! :D ]

Hello again my friends! ^o^ It's time for another update!

Last week was very hectic and weird for me x'D I worked really hard on Tuesday and Wednesday to get CGs done, but I ended up being totally wiped and unable to work on Friday because my game night with friends on Thursday went past 1am -facepalm- And I assure you it wasn't on purpose! x'D I asked my friends about starting at 8 and we thought we could wrap it up in a reasonable time but it just didn't turn out that way >_< [ it was dungeons and dragons and you kinda can't leave while everyone else is still playing =_= ]

BUT it kinda somehow evened out because working so hard earlier in the week and choosing some easier CGs let me come out with a technical '3 CGs done' and therefore I am still on schedule. But I don't feel great about it x'DDD [ I will be more careful with the D&D in the future, I told my friends 1am was too late for me x'D ]

Anyway, enough about my shenanigans, let's get on with the art! This weeks' batch is all desert stuff!

This one is the bastard CG that almost killed me x'D Like most artists, I struggle with vehicles :') and even though I referenced and cheated as hard as I could, it still took HOURS of work x'D But I do think the CG came out pretty nice so it was worth it. [ I also had a lot of fun streaming this one! ]

The other two are pretty boring, but necessary for quite a few scenes actually.

It's just sand closeups, which were incredibly tedious to draw xD but I need them because MC ends up on the ground a fair few times in random scenes, and I wanted to be able to represent that visually. These are gonna rely a lot more heavily on my writing xDDD

And that's about it! A whole lot of groggy tiredness, yet somehow staying on schedule. I'm gonna call it a win in my book anyway x'D Next week the schedule says Mason CG! :D

Anyways, thank you guys so much for all your incredible support! It feels like an exciting time in my life as I begin to be able to socialize again and even though it's been a little bumpy balancing my work, I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to even be able to do so. I'm so happy to be able to work for you! <3

See you next week! ^o^


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