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CG Completion: 104/181 [ almost 105 ]

Hello everyone! Sorry for the late post today! I was trying to catch up and finish a complicated CG that I didn't get done during the week but I still couldn't get it done ;0;

It was a mostly normal and uneventful work week but I was just crazy tired on Thursday for like no reason. I barely got any work done. I figured I'd be able to catch up today but the CG is really time consuming :/ [ 3 characters ]

Also I'm really sorry but I can barely show you anything from the other two I got done x'DDD They're really spoilery so I can't show much except some tiny clips.

I know, that's barely anything x'DDD But I need to post SOMETHING to prove I've been working you know? I promise I'm not trying to pull a fast one on you guys!

I can show you what I got done on the 3rd CG though! 

It's NEARLY done. I just need to finish up the shading on Derek's clothes and stuff and maybe touch a couple things up. I really thought I could hammer it out today but I streamed for nearly 8 hours and couldn't quite get er done :/ Alas [ it was very pleasant and fun stream though! ]

I'm torn between getting it done tomorrow and not touching it so I at least have one full recovery day. I think I should resist the temptation to work because I don't want to risk burnout. But it'll definitely get done first thing next week! And maybe I can catch my schedule up by choosing some easier ones next week too. I know I have one guaranteed easy one since this CG right here has a variant scheduled that's essentially just an expression change :D

Despite my struggles, I'm still pretty satisfied with last week's work. I know I gave it my best at least! And hopefully next week feels easier and nicer since the weather is finally going to be cool here. It's been hot as fuck for weeks and I'm not great at handling heat x'D

Anywho, I better finish up so I can have some dinner! Thank you guys so so much for your support and care! When I was streaming I had some nice chats about how wonderful the general community is surrounding BTD/sims of that nature and I just feel so lucky to have attracted such a wonderful crowd! Absolutely honoured to work for you!!!

I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your weekend and week coming up! <3


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