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CG Completion: 93/181

Hello again folks! It's Saturday again and I have a sack full of words I'm ready to dump on the floor!

Last week went pretty well, I'd say. I really expected to get some worse side effects from my second dose of covid vax, but it was actually fine! I barely had any side effects at all :D 

So, I got all my work done on schedule :) Which is a nice feeling.

I won't lie, the week wasn't perfect. I spent a LOT of time crying because I miss my cat so much and I guess I'm still processing the trauma surrounding the health problems, the last day, and all the time I spent in a panic.

But it's not all bad. I'm still functioning better and better, and the gravity of the loss put some things in my life in perspective for me. 

I've always struggled with a crippling perfectionism problem. I get 'analysis paralysis', or basically, I have a huge problem with making decisions when I think it's important. It can easily take hours of productivity away from me because I get so scared to make even micro-decisions. [ making art is just a series of thousands of tiny decisions... ]

But something about this grief is pulling me away from that. Facing the enormous finality of death makes my project seem smaller and less important. When it feels less important, It's not so scary to just jump in and make art. I feel like I can make decisions again.

It feels like a strange and interesting breakthrough to me. It's one thing to be told 'you just need to chill out about it' and another entirely to suddenly be forced to live that reality. 

Anyway, enough soul searching, let's get on with the art shall we?

First up, we have Celia and Harold! It's not a super exciting one or anything but then again, it's not a very exciting ending x'D But I'm happy with the shading regardless. I actually kind of enjoy drawing Harold LMAO

Next we got dem boys again! I actually REALLY like this one. Which is especially funny considering I thought this set was going to be nearly redundant. I just like how the composition and minimal shading came out. This set has one more pic coming, I hope that one comes out nice too!

Last pic isn't done because I've only had 1 day with it so far, but here's the inks! As you can see, it's really more of a background than a CG x'D But I wanted a shot of an existing background at a different angle for sequence of sprite stuff. Luckily for me, I kept the sims builds I used to make certain backdrops, so getting my base layer was as easy as loading up the game, doing 40 mins of updates, taking one screenshot, and closing it again LMAO

The real challenge will be coloring it on Monday >_>; but that's future Gato's problem.

And I think that about covers everything! Overall a very good week in my opinion!

I hope you guys are finding some peace or success in your lives as well. Thank you so much for standing by me during this very strange time in my life. I'm so grateful for your support!!!


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