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Current CG Completion: 79/181

Hello again! I hope you guys are doing okay! I'm gonna just pre-apologize because this update might be weird or written badly. My head really isn't in the game this morning. 

Last weekend, I told my parents about the aspergers thing and it actually went a lot better than I was expecting. I kinda thought they would dismiss me but we ended up having a lot of meaningful heartfelt discussion about it.

Unfortunately, a lot of meaningful heartfelt discussion is still a LOT of socializing and I was so completely wiped on Monday that I couldn't work. I really tried, but I couldn't make my brain work. After a couple hours of sweaty attempts to draw, I gave up and took the day off. I guess technically it was a federal holiday but lmao, that never stopped me before.

Anyway, aside from that, I've been kind of consumed with helping Aeris [ my cat ]. On Wednesday, I noticed that she had a chipped fang so I called the local vet and got her an appointment. Next day, I took her in to get her looked at. The vet told me that she had a broken molar as well and some pretty serious gum disease. They took some blood to check her health and to see if her liver was healthy enough to use anaesthetic for dental surgery.

I got the call back about the blood and everything was okay there! So now I'm just waiting for the vet to give me an appointment date for her dental surgery. Everything is going really well but I'm still nervous about it. I just hope that she hasn't been in a lot of pain while I didn't notice she had these tooth problems. I wish I had been checking her teeth more and sooner...

I'm sorry, I'm having a tough time this morning. I'm worried about Aeris and I also got an ask from someone about something really shitty that I did a few years ago [ a thoughtless shitty drawing of a nazi outfit for an anons fetish pic I drew before realizing how fucking stupid it was and deleted ]. I'm just really ashamed about it and scared. If people are still digging it up then it could still hurt people and I just... don't really know what to do. I guess there's nothing I can do.

Feeling like pure shit but there's no option on the table other than walking forward anyway. 

So, let's get into the CGs! 

It's a double dose of garbage boy Derek this week! 

I can't really think of anything to say about these x'D Just glad I got 4 days of work done I guess!

=_=;; I'm sorry for this sorry excuse of a saturday update man. I promise it's not gonna keep being like this, I'll get over the things.

I do still want to say thank you, of course, though. Your guys' support means the world to me. And if finding out about that drawing makes you want to withdraw your patreon support, I 100% understand and support your decision. I just want everyone to feel comfortable and safe.

Please, stay safe and have a good week!


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