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Hello again my friends! ^o^ It's time for another update!

I'm pleased as punch to be able to report for the first time in several weeks- I've accomplished everything I set out to accomplish this week! It feels so good!

I swear I can feel the grip of depression loosening and loosening, and my energy and ability to get work done is coming back. Thank god LMAO!

My week may not have been PERFECT, but I think it was pretty damn great! So, without further ado, let's get into it!

First up is Derek! [ it's a derek heavy week lmao ] And I do have a story and some cautionary tales about this one!

I completed it and everything was going great- until I loaded it into the game and had a look at it. I then realized that this CG IMMEDIATELY follows another CG, this one:

The problem being that... his goddamned knife is different. I didn't check where my CG was going before I drew it and didn't realize I needed to keep my props the same. 

I'm not proud to say it, but I had a mini-meltdown about the mistake. I took it hard, so I took a breather and spent some time cleaning my apartment. Afterwards, I'd cooled off enough to get back to work. [ special thank you to my alpha testers who had to endure my meltdown first hand and were still there to help <3 ]

Unfortunately, the 'offensive' new knife was already in ANOTHER Derek CG, so I had to go into both and redraw the knife to match the one I actually wanted.

^ That's the third one I updated- now his knife matches in every CG.

The important lessons I learned?

- If you don't remember where your art is going to be in the context of your game, load it up and check before starting!

- Keep your props and clothing and SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE. Don't introduce extra weapons for no reason.

- Making mistakes is okay, sometimes you have to do more work and that's normal.

Next up, I did a Celia CG!

I know that no-character CGs are comparatively boring, but I genuinely really like this one anyway xD I just love how the glass came out! 

I did the glass by drawing simple shard shapes, warping that layer so it matched the perspective of the floor, then inking it.

After inking the shapes, I copied the lower half of every shard and duplicated it- moving it just a few pixels down. That gave every shard its edge with perfect precision! [ and hardly any work! ]

After that, for coloring, it was just a matter of layering a few images with low opacity, some subtle white gradients for shine, and coloring in the edges with simple blobs of blue, white, and cyan. 

Then I just color the lineart by flattening a copy of all the colors, giving it a little blur, and using it as a masking layer for the lineart.

And -chefs kiss- You get real nice glass for relatively little effort!

Alright, we got one more, and it's more Derek [ sorry for spamming one character he just has a lot of CGs honestly lmao ]

Please enjoy my 69th CG, Derek [ of course ]. I colored this one on stream and I'm very pleased with the result. I feel really happy about the colors! ^o^

And that's about it! I'm just so happy I got so much work done! I hope my next week will be good too ^-^

Thank you guys so much for your amazing support, for hanging on with me through the bad weeks so we can enjoy the good weeks together. I love my job and I love working for you! Thank you for giving me this opportunity! <3 

And I hope you all have a good week yourselves!


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