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Hello again folks! It's been another struggling sort of week, but I think I did as best as I could. 

I've been taking a lot of walks outside to get some sunlight and hopefully drag me out of the depression zone- and I actually do think it's working! Unfortunately, I was held back this week anyway by problems with my store. It's not really related to my Patreon or game-making endeavours, but if you are for some reason curious, I'll type out my rant anyway:

----- Vaguely Tangentially Related Canada Post Rant ----

Get your cookies and tea, this is gonna be some NONSENSE.

So I wake up at the beginning of March and check on my store like I do every morning. I have an order to fill out, so I get started. I click the thing to start buying a shipping label and I get hit with a weird popup.

"You need to link your Etsy shipping account with a Canada Post 'solutions for small business' account number so you can get ~CaNaDa PoSt DiScOuNtS~"

So I go 'Oh good! More integration means better prices! and possibly more ease! How lovely for me!'

I look further down and follow a link to get my 'Canada Post Solutions For Small Business Customer Number', and it takes me to the Canada Post website.

It prompts me to create an account. Simple enough! But as I type in my credentials, it complains that my email address has already been used- by me!

Well, I already have an account there! How convenient for me! 

I log in. The page refreshes. That.... seems wrong. I log in again. The page refreshes. I wonder if my password is wrong, so I deliberately type in the wrong password- I get a big red obvious error message. So my password isn't wrong. I type it in- hit enter- page refreshes. 

I get super frustrated and spend two days getting a hold of a human person to talk to about the log in problem. During this time, Etsy is breathing down my neck every time I try to print a label- telling me that if I DON'T get this number and connect my accounts, I will no longer be able to print labels by the end of the month. Which means I can't mail out anything. Which makes me really really nervous.

Anyway, I finally talk to a human person via DMs on twitter [ ah, how customer service has changed... ] and I find out that I can't log in because of a Canada Post glitch with their cookies. Fabulous. I bring up an incognito window and lo-and-behold, I manage to log in first try.

My troubles should be over right?

But no :) It takes me another day of searching Canada Post wildly in vain to find this mystical  number I need. There's links all over the website that say things like 'Want solutions for small business? Sign up Now!' and those links LEAD TO THE EXACT SAME PAGE THEY ARE ALREADY ON. I am actually going mad by this point. I'm embarrassed to report that there were tears.

So I desperately try to contact my human again. I go 'please please, help me. I have a Canada Post account but it just won't let me find this number!'

And this guy says to me 'You gotta make a new account"

"But I already have an account...?"

"You have to make a Business Account not a Personal Account"

And I'm about ready to turn inside out, because there is literally nothing anywhere on the website or even in the signing up that indicates there are two different types of account. 

And I was, in fact, at the very beginning, trying to create a Business Account, when it stopped me and told me my email had already been used- to make a Personal Account. Not that it actually gives me this distinction, of course :)

So, I literally have to create a second, new account, with a deliberately different email, because while personal and business accounts are apparently completely different [ despite zero indication that two different types of account even exist ], they for some reason, use the same pool of email addresses.

And then I got my number instantly in an email, connected my accounts, and stared long and hard into the sky hoping for the void to claim me.

----- Vaguely Tangentially Related Canada Post Rant Over ----

And that was my week! xDDD I'm just kidding, I also got some art done.

Some of you might remember these from a stream I held on Monday! It was a very chill and nice stream ^o^ [ in contrast with the rest of my issues LMAO ] This CG definitely looks more like a Background, but it does function like a CG. The player can access this at any time of day, so I needed to make all the different versions. I think personally, the orangey morning one is my fav <3

Up next, Komodo and Dragon are back for a real quick sort of assault. I don't really have much to say about this one because it went so smoothly LMAO I pretty much just did exactly what I planned in the thumbnail version

Except flipped xD

As for my last one, this is where I came up short. I wanted this one to be done, but I only got to sketch and ink it.

Derek being moderately skanky as per usual. I'll be finishing this one up on Monday. It has a variant as well, but just an expression change so I'm sure I can get that done on Monday too. [ also I know it looks kinda weird, I promise this angle always look awful in inks LMAO it really needs the shading to work x'D ]

But yeah, I'd say that's actually it for my crazy week! Looking forward to hopefully smoother roads next week because I reached my limit with headaches and I need life to be easier now x'DDD

Thank you guys so much for your support and hanging out with me! And thank you to anyone who actually made it through my borderline-insane Canada Post rant LMAO I feel much better now!

I hope you guys have a safe and peaceful week! <3 talk to you again soon! 


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