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- Art  Warning: Gore and character death -

Hello, Hello, Howdy! It's that time of the week again!

First of all, I wanted to take a min to sincerely thank you guys for being so understanding and kind to me over the last couple weeks. I'm sure it's been obvious but I haven't been feeling my best [ seasonal affective is a real bitch ] and you guys have just been insanely supportive.

I don't know what I ever did to deserve you guys but I'm just... really thankful to have you around. 

I'm getting through it one day at a time and I think that I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm sure that lengthening days and warmer weather will help a lot too.

Anyway! Enough about my eternally screaming brain! It's time for some art :D

As per the warning above, here is Monday's gory work:

I ho-hummed a little about censoring this one for spoilers but I think on it's own it's not really THAT MUCH of a spoiler- I think it already could have been assumed that bad things can happen to the fellow victim characters on the desert path.

NGL- it was a bummer to have to draw Tom this way x'D I'm already emotionally attached to him and as a character that I commissioned from you Patrons, I feel like he especially doesn't deserve to be here and have these things happening x'D But alas, the story must go on and this game's got a LOT of possible death to hand out.

Next up is Celia!

This set took me 3 days instead of 2, but I think I can get away with it this time since it spat out 3CGs. I wanted it to be 3 images instead of 1 for [ probably obvious ] pacing reasons x'D I really want the middle CG to feel like an instant- which is tricky to do with a game like this since the player generally controls the pace. 

But even with the player controlling when the next dialogue comes up, if you make a lot of image changes, it gives the sensation of things 'moving along quickly'. Or at least that's the theory anyway LMAO we shall see if it's true!

Also I just really enjoyed Celia's expression for this one! I know I'm always saying I like expressions but this one feels like a personal victory over my apprehension around drawing women. I've ALWAYS struggled more with drawing women and it only very recently feels like I'm just as comfortable drawing femme style bodies/faces as masculine ones.

I'm guessing my better understanding of anatomy is probably contributing to that!

I also started a new CG on Friday but it's the sketch phase of a landscape painting so... it's not much x'D

I swear, most of the work was done in planning x'D and it WILL look a lot more interesting than this. It's also gonna need 4 versions for times of day so there's a lot of nature painting in my future! I think that would have filled me with fear several months ago but now I'm kinda looking forward to it xD My attitude about nature backgrounds has changed A LOT over the course of this project LMAO Glad I saved this one for when I felt better about it!


And I think that's everything! I won't lie, last week was still a bit of slog in terms of wrestling with my mental health, but I still feel pretty good about the work I'm producing.

I hope it gets easier soon! Fingers crossed! [ also gonna be putting in all the effort I can to keep up with self care ]

Anywho, thank you guys so much for your support! We're at the end of the month already [ what even is time any more ] but I don't think I need to do monthly announcements here any more for the time being. We do be doing the same thing every month x'D I'll bring it back maybe once the CGs are done.

Take it easy and stay safe friends! No amount of seasonal bastard depression will ever stop me from being grateful for your support! It is, and always has been, a genuine pleasure to work for you <3


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