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Hello again friends! So nice to see you all here in 2021! ^o^

It's a new month and a new year and I'm ready to get down to business! Production continues as normal! Also, the credits update for this month is scheduled for the 10th <3

So! I'll start the update like I usually do and check in with my general status. I'm very happy to report that my wrist pain is gone! And this time, I'm going to react to that by continuing to be careful instead of jumping right back into old habits >_>;; Computer games are still banned and will be for the rest of CG production. It's fine- I bought a copy of Stardew Valley for my switch LMAO [ it's only like 15 bucks and the big update should be coming out for switch soon :o ]

Now! Time for some art!

This is Machete and his titular machete xD I feel really good about the arm shading [ oh my god refs were hard to find, bodybuilding/muscle anatomy pics never show the inside of a forearm??? ] and I also feel smug about about finding one of the few appropriate places to use photoshop's lens flare LMAO

Next up, we have STUMP: the sequel to LOG. Honestly I kinda can't believe how comfortable I am about painting forest scenes now. I used to be terrified of it and stressed to hell about all the nature I'd be drawing. But now, after practicing a lot, I'm actually starting to enjoy it! Anyway, I'm happy about the stump LMAO it's actually from a weird and scary ending that I like a lot too, so I'm excited for people to actually play it eventually.

And Celia returns! This one is gonna be the base for 3 others actually. It's kind of a chill scene but I wanted to convey the pose for the whole thing so I'm using CGs and just doing a couple of expression changes basically.

I was nervous about getting the angle and foreshortening on this one right so I ordered a phone tripod to take more embarrassing self reference pictures using shoes I haven't touched since my wedding x'D even that process was really hard. I was picky about leg poses and stuff so I had to take like 100 pictures and pick through them to get just the right ones to Frankenstein together for a useable ref- then of course I had to make all sorts of anatomy changes because I am a much shorter and thicker creature than Celia LMAO

But all the suffering was worth it because I made something I don't think I could have made otherwise. And I'll be using that tripod for more CGs in the future too. TBH I feel like I need all the help I can get for a project this demanding x'D

But you know, the difficulty of this struggle is something I'm coming to appreciate. Trying so hard to draw the perfect picture when I don't know how is sparking a certain kind of life in me. Drawing what I know how to draw and getting something nice feels good I guess, but pushing myself to the limit and getting something that maybe isn't the best, but it's different than anything I've made before... it's a different kind of reward. Something I can't really describe. But definitely something worth the effort.

ANYWAY! Woops, kinda went off the rails there!

Thank you so much everyone for being a part of my life in this past year. Thank you for starting 2021 with me! I hope you guys all know you're worth a lot more to me than a paycheque. Chasing my dreams is the greatest happiness I could ask for.

Stay safe! May the new year bring you every kind of happiness as well <3


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