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Hello everyone! <3

Seasons greetings! I hope you're all staying warm! It's been a bit unseasonably warm here, but you won't hear me complaining about it x'D

Last week was a little bumpy. I had some health problems* and I needed to take Tuesday off, but I'm feeling much better now.

*it was Turbo-PMS I spent the whole day crying in front of my tv x'D

It's not usually like that, I think I just kinda got unlucky. But speaking of health, I have some good news! My wrist seems to be almost completely healed already. In fact, it's healing so fast that I think it was never a repetitive strain injury. I think it was a yoga injury >_>;;; So, new rule, no more crow pose. My record is gonna have to be 2 seconds for the forseeable future. (ノ´ー`)ノ alas

Anyway! Enough about my nonsense! I still have 2 CGs to show you:


I think I'm genuinely improving at background painting. This looks better than most of the backgrounds I did months ago x'D It's really just about accepting the tedium huh... This one especially was just.... hours of bark chips. Somehow both relaxing and irritating.

I also did a closeup of Jack:

I enjoy the colors on this one ^o^ That's why I picked the 'lighting cigarette' pose- I knew it would let me do a flash of color. Plus orange/blue contrast looks so nice. I'm quite happy with it!

And on Friday I did the sketch for the next CG. I can show a lil preview I guess!

Sorry about all the grid lines x'D My CG sketches often look like this LMAO But I guess my sketch isn't the only thing lookin' a little sloppy (◔ ◡ ◔  )

And that's about it! Honestly I feel pretty good about last week, despite losing a day. I think I managed to scramble and stay on schedule regardless. I'll take it as a bonus!

Thank you guys so much for your support and company! If you're going to be celebrating holidays next week, I hope you have a very relaxing and pleasant time! Remember to stay safe! <3 Have a good week guys!


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