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Hello folks, I am here, although a bit late, because Oct 1st 12:01am I lost absolutely all concept of time whatsoever. Is it Friday? Is it Tuesday? Have I eaten? Is it night? It's just a gosh darn mystery to me now. I can check my phone and think I know only to check it again 5 seconds later and see that 4 hours passed. You know how it is.

Anyway! This is going to be an update! Of some kind!

Okay so I'll be real, I kinda spent the last couple days just 'catching up' like I tend to do during the first couple days of any vacation. My apartment was straight-up filthy and my laundry was at critical mass. I spent some time just 'getting my shit together'. 

I've also been visiting my parent's place to take care of their plant/fish/house chores while they visit my Opa [ he lives like 9hrs drive away so it's a whole trip ] and to check on their new kitten every day!

That's a slightly old photo -shes a bit bigger now- but this is Gorgo! [ my dad named her after the Spartan queen ]

She's still just a lanky baby and this is her first time being left home alone for 3 days so I'm checking on her every day and staying to read my book with her so she has some company. She's doing so great though! Really taking it like a champ!

Also I'm reading a book! Which isn't much, but it's something special for me x'D I haven't read a paper book in like a decade because I just 'never have the time'. I got my copy of Dune in the mail and I'm like 70 pages in! Which isn't much at all but it's a genuine bite, and I'm genuinely hooked into it- so I'm glad to have some non-screen entertainment that will actually help with the whole adhd business.

Dune is nuts by the way. The sci-fi elements are an interesting mix of 'wow I can see this really being how the year 10,000 is' and 'yep, a guy from the 60s sure wrote this'. But mostly, it just has so many interesting proverbs and snippets you can walk away with that can stand on their own without the book.

For instance, a character says something like this [ I'm paraphrasing ]:

A willow tree bends with the wind to survive, then becomes many willows trees; a wall to the wind.

Which is like.... there's a lot to unpack there, you know? 'Accept your circumstances so that you can change them' is a pretty interesting take. 

At least I think it is x'D 

This update is really kind of a mess ^^; But that's just kinda how I'm feeling. I'm jumbled up from adjusting to change! Hopefully I can start to find a groove with this whole 'relaxing' business.

I hope you guys are doing well! <3 And thank you to anyone who's still here for the month, anyone still pledging in more of a tip-jar way, I hope I can somehow make the month still worthwhile!

ALSO IF ANYONE MISSED THE STUFF ABOUT ME TAKING OCTOBER OFF: This month won't be a work month! If you were charged already before you realized, please just send me a message and I can refund you lickety-split no questions asked! <3


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