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Yeehaw, it's somehow Saturday again! [ do the days feel like minutes to anyone else??? ]

This Saturday, I'm pleased to report Good News™ on both the work and the mental health fronts.

I'm still experiencing some symptoms [ anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite ] but on average, they are definitely getting better. I think the cooler weather is beginning to give me some much-needed relief. Interestingly, I'm finding that my scheduled work-time is one of my most calm and happy times of day xD [ don't worry, I WON'T be using this as an excuse to overwork LMAO ]

Anyway, let's get to the interesting stuff!

Last week, I continued work on Celia's path. I'm still creating a fair number of sprites, but now I'm picking up the pace with going through her script since I can place more 'already-made' sprites without having to pause and draw a new one.

On Friday I finished up the last 'specialty sprite' for Celia [ one that's nearly fully redrawn ] which I affectionately call 'Gun Celia'.

I'm just pleased as punch with how it came out! ^o^

I've gotten through about half of her 'central storyline' now. Derek and Mason's paths don't have a central storyline at all but Celia's path is a bit more rigid and follows some basic events if the player doesn't explore at all.

I also completed a couple other sprites including this, uh, interesting one

Which is only gonna appear if players have sexual content turned on of course x'D

For the most part, I would say that my progress has been exceptionally smooth and relaxing recently. Which is an absolute blessing honestly considering how chaotic the entire world is.

I feel like I never quite got a good grasp of Celia's path until just now. Something about having visuals attached to it is really making it come together for me. This is manifesting as some more substantial text-edits than I was doing on Derek's path. It's a tiny bit more work but I feel like it's having a strong effect on the quality.

And I'd say that's about it, really! The update is short and sweet this week since it really all boils down to "More of the same, work is going great! "

I hope things can be calm and enjoyable in your lives as well. I'm gonna keep hoping for cooler temperatures and cooler tempers as summer starts turning into autumn.

Thank you all so much for your support, and more importantly, your company. Stay safe out there! <3


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