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Hi everyone! I hope you guys are enjoying the start of spring! It's not here yet in Canada but I keep hoping X'D

Last week I finished up the last of Mason's backgrounds- the last one was a fairly complicated interior pic so I had to get a little creative with The Sims for help!

If any of you are Sims veterans, you may even recognize some items I used as bases haha!

By modelling spaces in The Sims and taking screencaps, I've been able to produce interior backgrounds a lot faster than I would have otherwise.

Now that I've begun on Celia's path backgrounds, I'll be using the modelled bases a lot.

Here's a behind the scenes look at the process I used to build the first room on Celia's path!

Definitely less pretty that Mason's backgrounds, but Celia's more pretty than Mason so maybe it'll even out in the end.

Last week was spent entirely on art but I may be doing some code and plot updates soon, as I've recently asked my testers to tell me about which endings they felt were the most lacklustre- I'm hoping to improve the weak links!

And I suppose that's about it! A short and sweet update this week since my nose is just down to the artwork grindstone. 

Thank you so much everyone for your support and kindness! It's always such a pleasure to work for you! <3<3<3

OH- One last thing:

There's a movie coming out with a similar concept called 'The Hunt'. To better help my game stand out in searches and to distance myself from this movie [ with which I am not affiliated ], I've decided that I'll most likely be changing the title of the game. I have a new title in mind and will probably be revealing it soon!


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