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Hi guys! Long time no update!!!

I want to apologize for my major silence in December- I know I said I was taking the month off but I was really hoping I'd get some more done behind the scenes! Instead, I ended up either in a burnout style haze or super sick [ I am super sick right now ].

I truly just ended up taking a massive break =o=

But, on the bright side, I am feeling creatively re-juiced and ready to get back to work. I think I'm starting to get over the cold and I'm pretty sure I'll be in perfect working order by the first day of the new year. I'm honestly REALLY looking forward to just getting back into my normal work schedule. I am a creature of habit and the random stress of December has been not so great for me.

I noticed that I got a great response to my feeler post about getting Alpha testers- and I'm so happy about that! I'm so excited to get my editing done next month and finally move on to the next phase of work- and now I won't have to be worried about recruiting people to help.

Anyway- I've talked enough! Here's the credits list from last November [ very late, I know... sorry again about tall that ^^; ] As always, names in RED are ones that haven't gotten back to me yet about how they want their final name to appear in the game credits. If you've pledged $20 or more during November and don't see your name here, please let me know so I can fix it!

I hope everyone is safe and happy at the end of this year. What a wild ride it's been.

See you in 2020! <3


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