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Hello friends! This update is gonna be sparse because I've only been at it for a couple days, but I figured there's still a couple niblets I could show you so why not make a post anyway?

During the last couple days I've completed two general tasks: I wrote the -somewhat long and graphic- intro for the desert path which already includes a possible death + sexual content aaaand I also programmed in the heat system! 

The heat system is more complicated than the cold system of Mason's path. On the mountain path, your temperate basically falls at a steady rate regardless of where you are or what time it is- and you can warm up by making a fire or by being in Mason's cabin.

This time, I wanted the heat to be more variable. Your temperate will steadily increase during daylight hours- and if you're in the most open part of the desert, it will increase at double the rate. The only way to cool down is to get into some specific locations, or to wait for nightfall. Letting your temperature get too high will result in a loss of sanity, and if you max it out- you're going to pass out. Passing out will result in a swift death.

Here's a few lines just for fun!

Thank you again so much for your support! <3 I'll be checking in again next week, hopefully with some good new stuff!


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