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Hi guys! I'm starting the planning phases for Derek's path [ exciting!! ] and while I have designs all ready to go for my group of 5 killers, I am lacking in victims!

I've got designs planned for two victims already- one of which you've possibly seen ( Chamomile ) and one that you haven't seen yet but will soon ( Richard ). One of the five victims is the player, so I won't need a design there- but that leaves two more that I need.

I'd like to have one girl and one boy ( I mean, in general one feminine and one masculine ). I'm thinking a sort of tough looking girl and a softer looking boy ( to contrast better with soft Chamomile and not so soft Richard ). These two victims will have been brought in by the killers Komodo and Dragon.

If any of you guys would like to submit designs to me to use, I'd be very thankful! [ and of course you'd be credited specially for it ]. If you'd like to contribute this way, please comment on this post with a link to a character design.

Here's the details:

- I will pay you for ownership of the design [ $50CAD/$37.26USD ]

- It can't be a design you've used in another project

- The design must look entirely human [ I'm going for a 'realism' feel with the game ]

- You must agree to let me use the design or alter it to fit the game, and to write the character however I see fit [ Including the character dying... all victims will have possible deaths in Derek's path ] In essence, the character will become 'mine'.

- I agree to not merchandise the character outside of the game [ keychains etc ] without your permission- this agreement is only for use within the game.

And I think that's about it! If you're interested, please leave a comment with a link! 

If I don't get any leads, I'll come up with some chars on my own, but I thought it would be fun to interact with my lovely Patrons some more!


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