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First of all, please excuse the horrible lack of communication this past 2 weeks,
not gonna lie, its been horrible and very hard for us.

I normally dont open up with this kind of stuff but because the long period of silence, I think I should make an exception this time and tell everybody what happend.

As I stated last month, I was moving, which I did, but it went down the hill 2 days into my new place.

We have been evicted with no notice and been jumping from airbnb to another, all while trying to find a solid place to stay and work in peace.

Needless to say, connection in said airbnbs are not the best, but I guess is to be expected because they been cheap.

Thankfully, we have found a place to stay permanently, tho we still yet to recieve it (wednesday next week) we all hope that things only get better.

I also want to apologies for the gorilla style upload this month and the lack of rewards, but due to the events explained above, you know why.

I should also mention that because of spending too much on needless moving (3 total in just 2 weeks) we have decided to pause the campaing on may, JUST MAY,

we have enough content and ready for steam demo release on april, so dont worry bout that, on the mean time, we still working as hard as always no matter what.

I also posted a short video about our eviction at our discord, mostly because I know this sounds so surreal, many wont believe us, so its like show boobs or GTFO, right?

nuff said, we deeply apologies for how crude the delivery was this month

and a huge thanks for all of you who have been supporting us and believe in us, this is but a small rough patch, but it ain't gonna stop us.

have a lovely day everyone and see you all next month for steam release, HYPE!!!!



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