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(Note: This WiP will be free to all Patreon subscribers by way of a PSA regarding a lack of updates.)

Though I'm still planning on getting this out there soon, Gunwild's right and has asked me to update you guys - all you guys - about my health. I'll tell you what I told the doctor, I'm a bit of a dumbass and thought I could ride out this persistent cough with a bottle of Dayquil and just some rest. But that's not how bacterial infections work.

This could be on top of what are... normal seasonally depressive moods for me. I was in a bad state last year around this time, looks like it followed me this year. My judgement has been impaired to say the least, and work was affected. And this page is difficult to look at, as I feel like I'm disappointing it on a visual level.

So I ended up staying just as sick as when I started. Having finally gone to the doctor after a couple weeks of coughing and phlegm, I have the antibiotics I needed. A notable side effect is some strong drowsiness. So if anything, I'm lacking energy before getting to work and asleep more these past few days than the past few weeks. It's helping though. I mean, I was getting dizzy from coughing a few days before the medicine. Hopefully the medicine kills the lower respiratory bacterial infection and things get normal again.

- Psu




I think everyone else has got the general idea of what I'd say. Irl before the url Psu. Please get the rest and hydration ya need. c:


I had bronchitis once. it was the worst. Get well soon!