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Gunwild: I can't believe nobody thought of the name "Clawlossus" before me.

Psu: I swear, when I read the page, I thought Gunwild meant a giant crab. Though looking back at it now, he clearly wrote it was a guy with a giant crab claw. I think I just wanted to draw a giant crab on a rocket tank very badly.

Gunwild: It was a better idea this way! Hey I like that in panel 4 you can read backwards that they've looked up that the racers are a buncha criminals. Well, a buncha dangerous ones, I mean.

Psu: I'm wondering who was in Clawlossus' pit crew now... You think anyone kissed him for luck? We could've drawn that page.

Gunwild: I think he leaves his family life at home, ya know? Hey, the so2da ad popup was a good idea since we didn't have the space to just cut to a whole panel of an ad.

Psu: There's a LOT of good ideas in this page. It's probably one of the best in the comic and there are loads of small details. I think you can see in the foreground of panel 5, there's a discarded container for rations. It kinda helps tell the story of this world they're on. Along with the broken overpass I feel like you know what this world is like when there isn't an Outlaw Race going on.

Gunwild: I like that I got to tell a skilled artist to draw a cat being worried, and they did it. Life's funny.

Psu: One thing I'd like to comment on, as a matter of full disclosure I guess, adding the So2da commercial break wasn't completely planned ahead of time. I think it was one of the rare occasions in the comic where I just KNEW I wasn't going to have pages ready on time and we were going to post some guest items. I was running pretty ragged by that point.

Gunwild: Hmmm good thing you learned to take better care of yourself and don't let that happen anymore, huh?

Psu: Yeahuh. *coughs into the jar*


(No title)


Charles Manary

to this day, Clawlossus is my favourite character


I wonder what alliterative synonym for "track" starts with U.


There isn't one. I intentionally picked one that didn't work because I knew she was getting cut off.


Umbilical? Maybe Ukase in the sense they are resisting following the rules too ... God I'm a nerd for knowing that >.