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This starts immediately after the introduction which you can find with the game tags or in the BoB collection.

Round 1

“Madeline, as I'm sure you're well aware there are five rounds to play. First round you'll open 12 total cases, in the second 6 cases, 3 in the third, and both the fourth and fifth with only one to give you a chance to win the billion dollar prize.” Jack explained mostly for the audience. “That means you'll need to choose 12 numbers from 1 to 24 and we can get the ball rolling on tonight's first round of-”

“Bimbo! Or! Billionaire!” The audience shouted on cue from the prompter above them.

“I already have my numbers picked Jack; I've done the math a thousand times. I'll start with.. 1!”

“I'm sure you have Madeline, V’aquisa would you do the honors?”

“Absolutely Jack!” The woman beamed with a heavenly smile; immediately walking over to the first case, its pedestal flashing pink as a visual marker. Though unlike the usual bimbofied assistant Chrissi, the void goddess didn't need reminders to keep track, so it was mostly just aesthetics for the audience.

Much to Madeline's own surprise, the case revealed a dollar sign.

“Congratulations Madeline!” Jack clapped along with the audience. “First choice and you're already on the board for one penny!”

The first monitor in the cash column lit up as the image of a single penny faded into focus. Unbeknownst to everyone on set aside from PRIME employees, pennies were actually unusually constant within the multiverse.

“Yes! I know the cash doesn't scale logarithmically, but it's a good start!” The Redhead chirped happily. Madeline hadn't felt this hopeful in a long time, maybe her life really was begging to turn around. “Case number 2 next!”

The second case flashed momentarily until V'aquisa quickly stepped over to open it. “What are the odds..” she murmured to herself.

“Look at that folks! Another cash prize!” Jack addressed the audience as they were starting to get riled up again. “That's 10 cents for Madeline but how long will it last?” The second cash monitor flipped over to show simply $0.10 in numbers. Dimes, unlike pennies, were not multiversal.

“Even I'm surprised with that one, but I like my odds!” Madeline chuckled. “Let’s go with 3!”

V’aquisa gracefully stepped over to the third case as a quietly crescendo-ing drum roll rose with the audience's anticipation. When she finally moved aside, the cameras zoomed in to reveal yet another cash symbol.

“Madeline! Madeline! Madeline!” The crowd chanted while the live feed showed a closeup of the young woman's shocked face side by side with the seemingly impossible series of cash cases.

After Jack once again calmed the studio, he sauntered over to the podium. “Madeline, everyone is dying to know, what's your secret strategy?”

“Honestly Jack, I'm just as surprised as everyone else. I wrote a probability formula that should help out my chances, but it won't be very accurate until I knock out enough cases.”

“Well, Madeline, your formula seems to be working wonders so far! Let's keep the momentum going. What's your next pick?”

“It’s not much of a surprise but number 4! It's my favorite after all.”

V'aquisa unconsciously wiggled her hips while slowly opening the next case, drawing out the tension. The goddess never expected to have this much fun participating in human television; even she couldn't resist being captivated by the allure of it all.

“And there we have it folks! The first bimbo case of the night, and you all know what that means!”

Madeline's heart sank when she realized that her body was about to be irreversibly altered forever. The first monitor on the bimbo column lit up in time with a classic jingle as another screen flashed ‘HAIR’.

“So folks, our first category is of course hair; the four voting options are…Victorian Volume, Medusa’s Cascade, Celestial Swirls, and Cyber Dye Chic! Make your vote using the state of the art holographic interface before you, a little upgrade courtesy of PRIME Inc!” Jack turned back to the show’s contestant while the audience made their decisions. “What do you think of the choices Madeline? Which would you pick?”

“Oh! I'm not really sure Jack, Victorian Volume sounds nice but I don't think it would match my hair color unless it changed that too.. Would the Medusa one actually give me snakes for hair?” She questioned hesitantly.

“Only one way to find out! Aaand it seems like the votes are in!”

The monitors spun through all the choices like a roulette wheel before finally landing on ‘Cyber Dye Chic’.

Immediately Madeline felt.. Something. The V-Sync collar began flashing pink as her red curls began to straighten out and grow downwards until reaching her hips. “Is tha-'' Madeline paused when a tingly electric sensation spread across her scalp that made her eyes flutter. It then concentrated towards the back of her head and ran down the full length of her hair before fading away. Only to repeat again, although this time it felt a lot less overwhelming. “Oooh what is that?” She muttered, taking a moment to bask in it.

“Good question, let's let our resident scientist V'aquisa explain.” Jack said as the woman strolled towards the front of the stage on cue.

“What Madeline is feeling, is the unique effect of her new ‘attribute’ as we call them in the business.”

The cameras all focused onto Madeline's hair, including angles from the side and back. The audience meanwhile, was on the edge of their seats; oo’s and ah’s were accompanied by some cheers and many gasps.

Madeline's curly ginger hair had deflated until it was completely straight with not a single strand out of place. The waterfall of red hair down her back felt vibrant in more ways than one, as was now literally glowing at a low luminosity. Every handful of seconds or so, a flash of white light spread from the roots on her scalp, washing over and flowing down to the tips, not unlike the other neon lights used to decorate the studio.

“That's I-Incredible!” Madeline shouted when she looked up to see the various angles of her new look. She knew that this shouldn't have been possible, but she'd seen crazier things on this show before..

“The audience seems to agree, but we're far from done yet, so; what's your next choice Madeline?” Jack responded naturally.

“Oh! I choose.. Number 5!”

“Your streak may have ended but your luck sure hasn't!” Jack roared in sync with the raving audience of spectators as the next cash symbol was revealed, bringing up the total to 10$.

“6!” Madeline was getting excited, though the waves of fuzzy static expanding through her hair did a good job at calming her back down.

“Tough break, it's your second bimbo case! This time the category is…!” Jack paused dramatically, “Voice!”

The corner Madeline's wide smile twitched just slightly; she felt a little more conflicted about this category specifically. Her voice was a rather personal feature, if it changed too drastically… Would that mean losing a part of herself?

“The options are… Carnival Queen, Cybernetic Charm, French Finesse, and Smooth Operator!”

Madeline watched nervously as everyone in the room began to independently decide her fate one vote at a time. “Smooth operator sounds nice..” she chuckled nervously, although her comment went unnoticed as the final vote had been cast and she immediately began to feel weird. “I really hope I don't get stuck with a bad French accent or something.” Madeline thought to herself.

“Well Madeline, it looks like luck hasn't run out on you yet, as despite a rather close call, the winner is Cybernetic Charm!” Jack announced, while Madeline stared at him, dumbfounded.

“What does cybernetic charm even mean?” Madeline pondered inside her head, too anxious to use her new voice.

“Don't sweat the details too much Madeline, you sound lovely.” Jack grinned as the girl slowly realized that he'd been responding to her internal dialogue.

“Wait.. My voice, but-” Madeline paused abruptly, something was wrong. She hadn't opened her mouth to speak yet… “I-I can't open my mouth!” Her voice rang out loud and clear from somewhere, with a slight modulation discrepancy that made her sound like an AI voice from video games and movies.

“That would be part of your new attribute Madeline, you no longer need to open your mouth to speak. Your voice is now synthesized directly from your brain and can project via any nearby electronic speaker. Right now, that would be your V-Sync collar.” V’aquisa explained with a bright smile. The woman gestured gently towards Madeline with her hand, prompting the cameras to close up on the device. They had planned accordingly for every single possible ‘bimbo trait’ or attribute in this case.

Currently, the blue ring of light in the center of the collar now contained an uninterrupted small line of pink, circling around her neck. The line would slowly grow for each bimbo case opened until it eventually overtook the woman in totality.

“Does that mean I'll never open my mouth again??” Madeline pouted anxiously. The thought was yet again to herself but the difference between thinking and speaking had become intrinsically blurred together.

“Of course you can open your mouth, Madeline. Just not for speaking, it's unnecessary.” V'aquisa chimed cheerily.. Yet there was the faintest hint of annoyance hidden under her breath.

“What a doozy wouldn't you say Madeline? I'm sure you'll get used to it. Why not practice by choosing your next case?” Jack added, making sure the show kept a decent pace. If the man was at all alarmed by Madeline's new method of speech, he didn't show it.

“Uh yeah.. Ok.. Number 7?” Madeline replied on autopilot, not really thinking about her choices anymore. The hair was one thing, but her voice no longer coming from her body was kind of insane..

“Oooh! And there it is! The third bimbo case of the night, folks let's get right down to it. The category is lips and your choices are… The Event Horizon, My Lips are Sealed, Boys Rule Girls Drool, and Lip Licking Good!” Jack winked at Madeline who was now starting to get cold feet regarding her situation.

“I really hope I don't end up drooling on myself forever..” The contestant muttered accidentally. It was possible to actively control what thoughts were voiced and which weren't. Madeline had been surprised to find it all to be rather intuitive. Still, things would slip out regardless of her intentions or control, and entirely at random.

“Congratulations Madeline, you don't have to. Instead, the audience has split their votes 50/50 between The Event Horizon and My Lips are Sealed!” Jack laughed as the crowd erupted into cheers alongside him. Even V'aquisa let out a slight chuckle, all at Madeline's expense.

For the first time that night, the redhead was terrified. Realizing the position she had willingly put herself in. She was nothing more than a game for others to play. Madeline had made the second worst mistake of her life and-

The sensation of energy running through her hair like fingers gently massaging her scalp felt so good… So calming, she began to forget why she was so scared in the first place. It all came so naturally to her, why would she need to worry? Madeline was on her favorite show of all time, how could she feel anything but satisfaction?

Madeline was lost in a dreamy bliss while the cameras focused on her lips which began to shift tone and color to a deep black, while simultaneously plumping up slightly.

“With Madeline's new attributes, her mouth is now hermetically sealed and will only open to accept something being put into it. Not only that, but her lips also now generate a local gravitational field when open.” V’aquisa explained as the redhead attempted to figure out what the hell that meant, but Madeline remained unsuccessful getting her lips to move apart.

Murmurs rippled through the audience as their own curiosity grew. The room fell silent when people began to realize V'aquisa had suddenly vanished. Only to gasp in unison when the Goddess reappeared, walking out from behind Madeline on the other side of stage.

“A demonstration if you will.” V'aquisa held up a single grape, letting the cameras get a good shot of the small berry before stepping past Madeline to hold the object a small distance from the girl's face. Madeline's mouth suddenly opened into a round ‘O’ as the researcher let go of the grape, which then promptly fell directly into the contestant's mouth. Only for it to instantly disappear the moment it went past the edge of her lips, which then promptly closed on their own.

The studio had been stunned silent by this clear violation of the laws of physics. Even Jack seemed to be caught off guard when he'd realized V'aquisa had practically teleported across the stage, although he quickly and professionally recovered his composure.

“Madeline, as I'm sure you're well aware there are five rounds to play. First round you'll open 12 total cases, in the second 6 cases, 3 in the third, and both the fourth and fifth with only one to give you a chance to win the billion dollar prize.” Jack explained mostly for the audience. “That means you'll need to choose 12 numbers from 1 to 24 and we can get the ball rolling on tonight's first round of-”

“Bimbo! Or! Billionaire!” The audience shouted on cue from the prompter above them.

“I already have my numbers picked Jack; I've done the math a thousand times. I'll start with.. 1!”

“I'm sure you have Madeline, V’aquisa would you do the honors?”

“Absolutely Jack!” The woman beamed with a heavenly smile; immediately walking over to the first case, its pedestal flashing pink as a visual marker. Though unlike the usual bimbofied assistant Chrissi, the void goddess didn't need reminders to keep track, so it was mostly just aesthetics for the audience.

Much to Madeline's own surprise, the case revealed a dollar sign.

“Congratulations Madeline!” Jack clapped along with the audience. “First choice and you're already on the board for one penny!”

The first monitor in the cash column lit up as the image of a single penny faded into focus. Unbeknownst to everyone on set aside from PRIME employees, pennies were actually unusually constant within the multiverse.

“Yes! I know the cash doesn't scale logarithmically, but it's a good start!” The Redhead chirped happily. Madeline hadn't felt this hopeful in a long time, maybe her life really was begging to turn around. “Case number 2 next!”

The second case flashed momentarily until V'aquisa quickly stepped over to open it. “What are the odds..” she murmured to herself.

“Look at that folks! Another cash prize!” Jack addressed the audience as they were starting to get riled up again. “That's 10 cents for Madeline but how long will it last?” The second cash monitor flipped over to show simply $0.10 in numbers. Dimes, unlike pennies, were not multiversal.

“Even I'm surprised with that one, but I like my odds!” Madeline chuckled. “Let’s go with 3!”

V’aquisa gracefully stepped over to the third case as a quietly crescendo-ing drum roll rose with the audience's anticipation. When she finally moved aside, the cameras zoomed in to reveal yet another cash symbol.

“Madeline! Madeline! Madeline!” The crowd chanted while the live feed showed a closeup of the young woman's shocked face side by side with the seemingly impossible series of cash cases.

After Jack once again calmed the studio, he sauntered over to the podium. “Madeline, everyone is dying to know, what's your secret strategy?”

“Honestly Jack, I'm just as surprised as everyone else. I wrote a probability formula that should help out my chances, but it won't be very accurate until I knock out enough cases.”

“Well, Madeline, your formula seems to be working wonders so far! Let's keep the momentum going. What's your next pick?”

“It’s not much of a surprise but number 4! It's my favorite after all.”

V'aquisa unconsciously wiggled her hips while slowly opening the next case, drawing out the tension. The goddess never expected to have this much fun participating in human television; even she couldn't resist being captivated by the allure of it all.

“And there we have it folks! The first bimbo case of the night, and you all know what that means!”

Madeline's heart sank when she realized that her body was about to be irreversibly altered forever. The first monitor on the bimbo column lit up in time with a classic jingle as another screen flashed ‘HAIR’.

“So folks, our first category is of course hair; the four voting options are…Victorian Volume, Medusa’s Cascade, Celestial Swirls, and Cyber Dye Chic! Make your vote using the state of the art holographic interface before you, a little upgrade courtesy of PRIME Inc!” Jack turned back to the show’s contestant while the audience made their decisions. “What do you think of the choices Madeline? Which would you pick?”

“Oh! I'm not really sure Jack, Victorian Volume sounds nice but I don't think it would match my hair color unless it changed that too.. Would the Medusa one actually give me snakes for hair?” She questioned hesitantly.

“Only one way to find out! Aaand it seems like the votes are in!”

The monitors spun through all the choices like a roulette wheel before finally landing on ‘Cyber Dye Chic’.

Immediately Madeline felt.. Something. The V-Sync collar began flashing pink as her red curls began to straighten out and grow downwards until reaching her hips. “Is tha-'' Madeline paused when a tingly electric sensation spread across her scalp that made her eyes flutter. It then concentrated towards the back of her head and ran down the full length of her hair before fading away. Only to repeat again, although this time it felt a lot less overwhelming. “Oooh what is that?” She muttered, taking a moment to bask in it.

“Good question, let's let our resident scientist V'aquisa explain.” Jack said as the woman strolled towards the front of the stage on cue.

“What Madeline is feeling, is the unique effect of her new ‘attribute’ as we call them in the business.”

The cameras all focused onto Madeline's hair, including angles from the side and back. The audience meanwhile, was on the edge of their seats; oo’s and ah’s were accompanied by some cheers and many gasps.

Madeline's curly ginger hair had deflated until it was completely straight with not a single strand out of place. The waterfall of red hair down her back felt vibrant in more ways than one, as was now literally glowing at a low luminosity. Every handful of seconds or so, a flash of white light spread from the roots on her scalp, washing over and flowing down to the tips, not unlike the other neon lights used to decorate the studio.

“That's I-Incredible!” Madeline shouted when she looked up to see the various angles of her new look. She knew that this shouldn't have been possible, but she'd seen crazier things on this show before..

“The audience seems to agree, but we're far from done yet, so; what's your next choice Madeline?” Jack responded naturally.

“Oh! I choose.. Number 5!”

“Your streak may have ended but your luck sure hasn't!” Jack roared in sync with the raving audience of spectators as the next cash symbol was revealed, bringing up the total to 10$.

“6!” Madeline was getting excited, though the waves of fuzzy static expanding through her hair did a good job at calming her back down.

“Tough break, it's your second bimbo case! This time the category is…!” Jack paused dramatically, “Voice!”

The corner Madeline's wide smile twitched just slightly; she felt a little more conflicted about this category specifically. Her voice was a rather personal feature, if it changed too drastically… Would that mean losing a part of herself?

“The options are… Carnival Queen, Cybernetic Charm, French Finesse, and Smooth Operator!”

Madeline watched nervously as everyone in the room began to independently decide her fate one vote at a time. “Smooth operator sounds nice..” she chuckled nervously, although her comment went unnoticed as the final vote had been cast and she immediately began to feel weird. “I really hope I don't get stuck with a bad French accent or something.” Madeline thought to herself.

“Well Madeline, it looks like luck hasn't run out on you yet, as despite a rather close call, the winner is Cybernetic Charm!” Jack announced, while Madeline stared at him, dumbfounded.

“What does cybernetic charm even mean?” Madeline pondered inside her head, too anxious to use her new voice.

“Don't sweat the details too much Madeline, you sound lovely.” Jack grinned as the girl slowly realized that he'd been responding to her internal dialogue.

“Wait.. My voice, but-” Madeline paused abruptly, something was wrong. She hadn't opened her mouth to speak yet… “I-I can't open my mouth!” Her voice rang out loud and clear from somewhere, with a slight modulation discrepancy that made her sound like an AI voice from video games and movies.

“That would be part of your new attribute Madeline, you no longer need to open your mouth to speak. Your voice is now synthesized directly from your brain and can project via any nearby electronic speaker. Right now, that would be your V-Sync collar.” V’aquisa explained with a bright smile. The woman gestured gently towards Madeline with her hand, prompting the cameras to close up on the device. They had planned accordingly for every single possible ‘bimbo trait’ or attribute in this case.

Currently, the blue ring of light in the center of the collar now contained an uninterrupted small line of pink, circling around her neck. The line would slowly grow for each bimbo case opened until it eventually overtook the woman in totality.

“Does that mean I'll never open my mouth again??” Madeline pouted anxiously. The thought was yet again to herself but the difference between thinking and speaking had become intrinsically blurred together.

“Of course you can open your mouth, Madeline. Just not for speaking, it's unnecessary.” V'aquisa chimed cheerily.. Yet there was the faintest hint of annoyance hidden under her breath.

“What a doozy wouldn't you say Madeline? I'm sure you'll get used to it. Why not practice by choosing your next case?” Jack added, making sure the show kept a decent pace. If the man was at all alarmed by Madeline's new method of speech, he didn't show it.

“Uh yeah.. Ok.. Number 7?” Madeline replied on autopilot, not really thinking about her choices anymore. The hair was one thing, but her voice no longer coming from her body was kind of insane..

“Oooh! And there it is! The third bimbo case of the night, folks let's get right down to it. The category is lips and your choices are… The Event Horizon, My Lips are Sealed, Boys Rule Girls Drool, and Lip Licking Good!” Jack winked at Madeline who was now starting to get cold feet regarding her situation.

“I really hope I don't end up drooling on myself forever..” The contestant muttered accidentally. It was possible to actively control what thoughts were voiced and which weren't. Madeline had been surprised to find it all to be rather intuitive. Still, things would slip out regardless of her intentions or control, and entirely at random.

“Congratulations Madeline, you don't have to. Instead, the audience has split their votes 50/50 between The Event Horizon and My Lips are Sealed!” Jack laughed as the crowd erupted into cheers alongside him. Even V'aquisa let out a slight chuckle, all at Madeline's expense.

For the first time that night, the redhead was terrified. Realizing the position she had willingly put herself in. She was nothing more than a game for others to play. Madeline had made the second worst mistake of her life and-

The sensation of energy running through her hair like fingers gently massaging her scalp felt so good… So calming, she began to forget why she was so scared in the first place. It all came so naturally to her, why would she need to worry? Madeline was on her favorite show of all time, how could she feel anything but satisfaction?

Madeline was lost in a dreamy bliss while the cameras focused on her lips which began to shift tone and color to a deep black, while simultaneously plumping up slightly.

“With Madeline's new attributes, her mouth is now hermetically sealed and will only open to accept something being put into it. Not only that, but her lips also now generate a local gravitational field when open.” V’aquisa explained as the redhead attempted to figure out what the hell that meant, but Madeline remained unsuccessful getting her lips to move apart.

Murmurs rippled through the audience as their own curiosity grew. The room fell silent when people began to realize V'aquisa had suddenly vanished. Only to gasp in unison when the Goddess reappeared, walking out from behind Madeline on the other side of stage.

“A demonstration if you will.” V'aquisa held up a single grape, letting the cameras get a good shot of the small berry before stepping past Madeline to hold the object a small distance from the girl's face. Madeline's mouth suddenly opened into a round ‘O’ as the researcher let go of the grape, which then promptly fell directly into the contestant's mouth. Only for it to instantly disappear the moment it went past the edge of her lips, which then promptly closed on their own.

The studio had been stunned silent by this clear violation of the laws of physics. Even Jack seemed to be caught off guard when he'd realized V'aquisa had practically teleported across the stage, although he quickly and professionally recovered his composure.


Let me know if you like how the category options worked out so far in the comments


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