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Goth Mommy Madness 2 starts out two years after the events of the first story, but with entirely new histories that doesn't really matter does it? ..Unless there was some tea left?

The setting will be at Vorpal HQ, a powerful company entirely staffed by Witches, including Abby and her only friends, who just might be able to pull off a impossible mission.
When Celine was a young woman, she used to be rather.. Weak. Submissive, a real pushover. The kind of pathetic bitch that makes my blood fucking boil, never once ever stood up for herself. Ugh I hate people like her; small tits, no spine- Anyway.

At least, until she made a pact with a demon in order to become stronger, to be dominant. All she had to do was have a daughter to pass on her weakness to, and receive a demon mark as a binding vow.

Abby should have been incredibly powerful as a demon spawned witch. But of course, the girl was born with her own mark, thus completing the transaction. For most of her early life Abby had no idea that Celine was absorbing magic potential.

Then on her 18th birthday her demon mark activated. Abby suddenly and abruptly began losing focus in school, staying up late, skipping classes. She was too horny to think, and even worse, so was her mother; the two were bound together by their demonic markings. It didn't take long before they fell into incestuous debauchery, and the two had been an item ever since.


“Mom!” Abby gasped, jumping slightly when her mother smacked her ass. The sound reverberated through Vorpal HQ’s Parking garage as Abby's face flushed bright red.

“What?” The tall goth woman growled from behind her daughter.

“I-I- I mean, it's a bit public a-and we shouldn't-” Abby's lips shut on their own and wouldn't open no matter how much she tried. “Mhmm! MhmmmMMmm! MmmMm!” The white haired girl found herself bending forward and felt the odd sensation of lifting off the ground.

“Abby. Who decides what we should or shouldn't do?”

“MMmmMm! Y-you do.. Mommy…” Abby gasped when her mouth was released. “I'm sorry Mom-”

“Mother, Abby. My lunch break is over.” Claire hissed; spanked Abby's levitating ass harder than the first time.

“Ah! Y-yes Mother! I promise I'll follow work rules better this time! I don't know what's going on with me lately, I haven't been feeling myself..” Abby pleaded only to feel her mom gently rubbing her right ass cheek over her jeans. The motion caused it to sway back and forth relatively easily. She loved the sensations, anytime someone touched her body it felt overwhelmingly pleasurable thanks to a spell Mom had cast on her two days ago.

“Good girl, you're lucky I even let you work here at all. You're so weak it's honestly ridiculous that you're even considered a witch at all.” Celine grunted with one last spank.

“-I'm sorry Mother, it's my fault for being so weak..” Abby choked out as her shoes landed softly on the ground.

“Oh shush, none of that nonsense dear.” The older Witch physically turned her daughter around, taking the smaller girl’s chin in her fingers. “You're a perfectly fine young lady Abby. Yes, you are useless when it comes to magic, but you're still my daughter.” Celine pulled Abby into a deep kiss.

Abby whimpered in helpless desire, leaning into her Mother's embrace. She loved her Mommy more than anything, the girl was just too weak and submissive to rely on herself. Things weren't always this way…

Abby used to be a bright and surprisingly independent child, even in her teens. She wasn't bold or daring like her Mother, but she had pride! Actual pride, and at least a modicum of confidence in herself. The naive, pitiful girl even had a plan to go to college, become her own woman…

Everything changed after she turned 18..

Things changed again two years ago on Halloween; some part of Abby knew the tea had something to do with it. The Void Lily Tea.. She couldn't cast any spells, but Abby could brew a cup of tea. The 25 year old ‘witch’ (in name only) wasn't planning on anything nefarious of course, simply she craved that delectable beverage. Always had since that night… And it just so happened that she found a single packet of the substance left discarded behind some old coffee grounds while cleaning the pantry last week. Currently, it rested snugly in her back pocket.

“Welcome back Miss Decroix, hello Abigail.”

“Steven! My name is Abby!” She huffed at the young security guard, as he made an attempt to refrain from laughing in front of his boss. Steven always enjoyed messing with Abby, but he wasn't the only one by far. The entire staff at Vorpal HQ understood that there was a pecking order, and Abby was at the very bottom.

“Sorry sorry.” Steven chuckled with a sly smirk, as he buzzed them into the building from behind the pane of glass separating the booth from the parking garage. He then popped out into the hallway just behind the pair as they walked.

“No need to apologize to her Mr. Razor. You're just heading to your lunch, yes?” Mommy quizzed, glancing back at the boy.

“Uh, yes Miss Decroix. Is there anything you need me to do for you? I'll take down any stalkers with a flick of the wrist.” He boasted in a way that made one think he truly believed every word.

“I'm sure you would Mr. Razor, but I do have a rather high profile meeting in a few minutes and I need someone to watch after my daughter.”

“Oh.. uh- yeah, yes of course. She won't leave my side, Miss.” The guard said, picking up pace to catch up with them, shooting Abby a knowing glance. The white haired girl just groaned.

“Abby dear, make sure to do as Mr. Razor tells you till I'm back sweetheart.” Mommy paused for a second.. “Why don't you give him a blowjob to apologize for being rude earlier?”

“Mother! Bu-” Abby protested only to be quickly overtaken by an intense arousal specifically tied to Steven’s dick.

“I'll see you later this afternoon sweetie.” The older woman waved goodbye with a devious if not sinister smile as she stepped into a special ‘executive elevator’ and vanished behind the gold colored doors.

“Holy fuck Abby, how can you survive being around her like 24/7? That was suffocating.” Steven literally gasped as he turned to Abby only to find her already whimpering up at him from her knees. “Oh christ Abby! Can you at least wait till we get to the room before you- No, don't you look at me like that, come on.” Steven reached down and took Abby's hand; the girl's eyes immediately went soft and she followed after the boy obediently.

Not long later he was making sure the coast was clear before unlocking an old door in the very back of one of the lowest floors and pulling Abby inside.

The room itself was pretty nice, containing a pool table, a fridge, a TV, and some couches. Surprisingly well maintained and fully functional too. It had served as an impromptu break room for Steven, Abby, and Lisa for the last two years after Steven first discovered it accidentally. Room 808 was entirely unknown to the rest of the employees at Vorpal HQ, having been the long forgotten private lounge built for the previous CEO before Celine Decroix took over.

“Fucking hell Abby!” Steven gasped as the small girl began pawing at his growing erection through his pants the moment they were inside.

“I-I'm sorry Steven, I can't help it! Please let me suck your cock!” Abby begged, already on the verge of tears. She was so weak and needy; she couldn't depend on herself at all. The numerous spells her mother had cast on the poor girl only made it all that more impossible for her to function on her own.

Sex on the other hand, at least with anyone except Celine, was rather calming, if not euphoric in a different way. Sexual acts filled Abby with an odd strength and boost of confidence, allowing her to feel surprisingly normal. The more sex she had consecutively, the stronger she became.. At least until she was eventually fucked by her own Mother, who unwittingly stole every last drop of the demonic magic from Abby on a saint basis.


Abby squealed in delight as she choked on Stevens cock with every fiber of her being. The sensation of her tongue wrapping tongue around his length, dragging it deeper into her throat was nearly too much for the young man. He kept his cool however, and managed to last at least two minutes before finally cumming inside his coworker. Most people barely lasted ten seconds.


Steven jumped as Lisa barged into the room looking extremely pissed off. Abby on the other hand was still lost in her element, milking the softening cock in her mouth for every last drop of essence she could squeeze out of him.

“I didn't have a choice!” Steven exclaimed, throwing up his hands to emphasize his innocence.

Lisa knew he wasn't lying. Celine constantly forced and encouraged Abby to fuck practically everyone at the company. It was something they all just got used to.


That's all I have for now, it was supposed to be a full singular story but it's already a full chapters worth so-

If you have any comments, question or suggestions, critique, notice errors, etc
Leave a comment and I'll be sure to respond


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