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Hi there patrons, we've got a huge update for you this month that we're itching to share with you. We're also itching to meet any fans at this year's Anthrocon in Pittsburg where KDhynamo will be appearing with stickers to hand out. But even if you can't make it there, you can get the latest version of Mice Tea for download! Here's what you have in store:

New CGs - Seven New and Completed CGs and Three Completed CGs!

This month we have a HUGE CG update, including contributions by all of our artists. The newest are the two CGs that appear at the end of the shopping spree during Day 3 of the Sylvia path. Both of these CGS are entirely new; there hasn't yet been a sketch or anything appearing in the game until this update, so it'll be a whole new experience for all players. The one shown below features a particularly large set of alternates and expressions for a CG, almost to the point of being a large sprite! The Transformistress really outdid herself on this one and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Two other CGs were a collaboration by KDhynamo and The Transformistress, both involving Best Boy in the Game, Gavin. The first is a TF sequence voted on by our patrons at the beginning of the month, and the other comes at the end of his path. Well, not the very end; we still manage to sneak in some sexy scenes at the very end. But this one comes right before!

And last but not least, UBF has completed three CGs this month. The first also comes from the Gavin path, and is the first intimate scene between the two, or at least the first lewd intimate scene. It's been completed from its sketch and now has some fun alternates as well. Also improved were the mirror scene from early in the Gavin path and the rooftop scene with Julie and Margaret on Day 2. Both had very rough backgrounds which have not been polished along with some of the characters themselves.

New Sprites - Three New Finished Cameo Sprites and Two Sketched sprites

The cast of Mice Tea continues to fill out with more NPC sprites! Three finished sprites appear in this version, all of which are cameo sprites. Tharkis is the last of our initial run of cameos to receive their fully human sprite, and we have our first two finished sprites from our latest call for cameos with the appearance of Lucius and Nakhta. All of them show up in multiple routes, so keep an eye out for all of them.

We also have two new sketched sprites this update, a cameo and Mrs. Casper, who some might remember from a pivotal scene in Felicia's route.

New Backgrounds - Museum Floor and Rafters, Office, Ricky's Apartment, and Stage

Heart continues her streak of big months with the addition of five new backgrounds! Two of them are part of a set, but the museum is one of the most beautiful in the game, and took quite a bit of effort on its own. This brings us only one completed background from completion! We'll make sure to highlight the accomplishment next month once the final background is checked off, but in the meantime enjoy this fresh batch.

User Interface - Accessibility Options & Outfit Unlocks

Renpy comes with built-in accessibility options for things like Dyslexia, text contrast and size, and integrated text reading, and therefore Mice Tea has had these options since its inception. However, we heard that some players were not aware of these options, so we wanted to make them more obvious in the menus. Now an icon appears in the options menu for more easily accessed, well, accessibility!

Another improvement we've made is to make the outfits and TFs in the character viewer unlock as you play through the game. Some players were spoiled on aspects of the game before they reached them in the story while looking up an outfit or expression, so we wanted to avoid that in the future. That does mean that you'll have to view the character variation in your save file before it will show up in the character viewer, but leaning on the Control button through each route should have everything available for you again. 

Story Tweaks

With the story nearly finalized, we've finally handed the manuscript over to a professional copy-editor to give a final polish to the narrative. We've already implemented a few changes in addition to an above-average amount of tweaks based on reader feedback. It shouldn't be noticeable to most players, but there should at least be fewer typos and such to distract you.

And that's it for this month! Thank you as always for your continued support. 

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*** Click here for public demo ***


Jared K Gonzalez

Looking forward for the new update as soon as I get home tonight.