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This week's question is anonymous and asks : Gotta ask the most important question: What's your thoughts on iced tea?

Remember you can submit your own questions to our CuriousCat or Google Form.


Margaret the mouse girl stands in a cute cafe wearing an outfit with a high-slitted skirt. A question reads: What's your thoughts on iced tea? Margaret says: "Oh, I usually stick with hot tea. The nice warm coziness is a lot of what I like about tea in the first place. I won't turn it down, though"

Margaret brings her hand to her chin in thought, saying: "Hmm, we probably should have it on the menu though for people who like it. Though we usually have a fun, punny name for our menu items... Let's see... iced tea... spice, slice, price..."

Margaret clasps her hand together in happiness and says "Oh I know! Margaret's Nice Iced Tea!"

Margaret frowns as she's joined by Julie the dog girl in a dirndl-like maid outfit, who says: "What? That's stupid. It should be Margaret's Niced Tea."




Trust Julie. She knows branding.