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Okay, that bottom caption is a little bit of a lie.  Actually, the real reason all my schedules have been so out of whack post-Animazement was something that happened before I even arrived at the con.  Thanks to some phenomenally poor planning on my part, AZ ended up becoming the deadline for several other creative projects.  A new booklet of Conventional Material to have as a prize, a new book of Far Out There material ALSO as a prize, a brand new Far Out There preview book, all stuff I'd told myself I'd have ready by Animazement.  That meant I was trying to crank out new content for THOSE projects at the same time I was getting all my other material ready for Artist Alley (including laying out ANOTHER new book to sell), AND getting basic con survival arrangements made, AND having something meaningful to contribute to the panels I was on, AND just getting all my usual comic and Patreon content done far enough in advance to cover that weekend.  When all was said and done, I was as creatively spent as I usually am after an update is OVER before I'd even arrived at the hotel.  So by the time I actually HAD finished

that update

(which, don't forget, would have been Conventional Wisdom's longest if I hadn't cut some material at the last minute) I was just DONE.

And THAT'S why I just haven't had anything these past few weeks.  It's taken everything I had just to get regularly scheduled Far Out There pages done on time, and I already know what those are going to be.  The pile of potential Patreon comics really was GINORMOUS, and I just wasn't in a state to sort through them in a competent manner.  I actually wound up starting comics over again because the first draft was just unusable, or even throwing out (mostly) finished pages because they simply weren't turning out as funny as I'd though.  That usually a rare occurrence when it happens ONCE, let alone several times in a row.  That's also why this set of comics kind of jumps from the beginning to the end like that.  I usually try to have an arc to these comic sets (emphasis on TRY) but this time I just had to run with what was working, whether it flowed together or not.

Thankfully, though, I'm gradually starting to get my mojo back, and having this update out of the way should help with moral a lot.  Better yet, the perfect storm of exhausting side projects that started this whole thing won't be happening again any time soon.  Heck, my next convention - Hoshicon - requires virtually no preparation PERIOD.  I've got no Artist Alley table, no panels, NOTHING.  All I have to do is show up and take notes all weekend!  It'll be GLORIOUS.  So, hopefully, that update will be much faster than this one.

AAAAAAAND, best of all, regularly scheduled weekly comics will finally be coming back!  In fact, I'm gonna try to do MORE than weekly and make up for the lack of comics this month at least a little bit.  Not sure how many it'll end up being, but you guys paid to see SOMETHING this month, and dang it, I'm gonna give it to ya.

Previous - Next Con (Hoshicon 2016)



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