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Hey, remember when I said it was supposed to rain on Sunday?  Well it did!  ...right in the middle of that barbecue I was so pleased to be leaving early for.  In fact, this particular downpour isn't what happened to me.  I ended up driving THROUGH the rain on the way to the house, and then it caught up with us and got its revenge after I'd arrived.  But you know how it is, comedic timing and all that.  Either way, a LOT of nerds got very soggy butts by the time the day was through.

And how 'bout those atmospherics in that last panel?  I was trying to capture the look of that one Calvin & Hobbes strip where Calvin is waiting for the school bus in the rain.  This didn't turn out quite as well as that did (shocking as this may be for you to hear, it turns out I'm not QUITE as talented as Bill Waterson) but I'm still pretty pleased with the result.

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