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...and THIS is why you won't be seeing any time travel stories in the main Far Out There comic anytime soon.  I think about it WAY too hard., and then things get bogged down and really late.

By the way, does that main scientist guy look like the Dad from Becky & Gilb?  I didn;t mean to make this a crossover, but but I think it may have happened by accident.  And speaking of which, have you voted on my End of the Year Project yet?  At the moment, new Becky & Gilb stuff is in the lead, but voting is still open 'till the end of the month, so there's plenty of time for that to change!

Anyway, sorry this one took so long, guys!  I'll make sure the next madlib doesn't give me as much room to go off the rails.  I'll also probably not send out the next one until the convention season cools down a bit, but you never know!  Also, this stuff is taking the place of a new Jenna comic because... well, come on.

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The reason why they still remember, is of course that otherwise they'd STILL have made the Filk-Singing Bunyips!