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Okay, so anyone who's ever talked to me about my cartooning for more than five minutes knows I've got a TON of side projects I haven't had the time and/or energy to finish.  Anyone who's read my webcomics also knows I really, REALLY like doing big stuff around Christmastime.  So why not use one to address the other, and try to drum up some Patreon interest in the process?

Thus, I'm placing my To-Do List before you guys and giving YOU the chance to decide which one gets done next!  And before anyone else says it, yeah, I know it sound really stupid for me to be talking about new stuff when I've been struggling to stay on top of my weekly schedule as it is.  But that's the whole point of this being a Christmas Thing.  You guys pick something NOW, and I can work on it in manageable chucks over the rest of the year, which shouldn't interfere with the daily schedule (n fact, it'll hopefully help me HAVE a daily schedule, which would fix everything)  And since you  guys are awesome paying customers,  I'll be posting the finished results HERE on Christmas Day, so you can see it before everyone else!

But what are these alleged side projects, you ask?  Weeeeeeeell...

1. Conventional Wisdom: THE ANIMATION.  Well, sort of.  I don't actually know diddly squat about animation.  But stringing together a bunch of still drawings like a slideshow and recording a voice over, Brad Neely style?  That's something I can manage, and there's a number of potential Conventional Wisdom ideas I've had that would benefit from that more than the usual comic format.  The end result of this winning would be at least one full, five or six minute video at the end of the year, plus probably a few short blurbs as I figure out just what the heck I'm doing.

2. Anthology Series: THE SERIES.  I know, I suck at naming things.  Anyway, I've got an awful lot of half-finished one-shot comics piled up around here.  At one point, I was planning on starting a new webcomic that would post with a new, standalone comic once a month, with some kind of unifying theme connecting every six months or so.  But figuring out how to promote something like that seemed, well, really hard, so I never got serious about it.  If this wins, we'd have to do a second vote on which set of comics I'd be focusing on, because there's a LOT of them, and in very different genres.  One way or another, though, you'd be getting a collection of at least six short comics with one unifying theme by Christmas.

3. Digimon: Victory.  Come on, you know I'd squeeze something Digimon related in here somewhere.  I've mentioned several times that I really, really want to do a Digimon fancomic, and I've actually been toying with an idea for one for a while.  The biggest problem (aside from taking time away from original projects to do a fanwork) is that this wouldn't be a one-or-two-page a week, make it up as I go along project like Far Out There or Conventional Wisdom.  It'd have to be told in 26 page chapters with real scripts and actual plans and other stuff that sounds too much like real work.  BUT, if enough people ask for it, I could hunker down and actually get Digimon Victory done.  You guys would get a chapter of at least 26 pages on Christmas... though it probably wouldn't be the FIRST chapter, since who wants  a big pile or exposition for Christmas?  Rather, this would be an action romp set mid-story, probably with some short omake over the course of the year to introduce the characters.

4. Becky & Gilb.  This was very nearly my third ongoing comic after Far Out There and Conventional Wisdom.  No really, I was VERY close to doing this story of a girl and her alien on at least a once a month basis.  In this case, the problem wasn't just lacking the time to work new comics, it was the need to work on the OLD comics.  I wasn't that satisfied with the art to begin with, and the way I put the comics together on deviantArt meant I couldn't just repost them on another site anyway.  And since I wasn't using dA much anymore, it kind of killed my enthusiasm for the project.  But I still love those characters, and I know other people do to.  Voting for this one would at LEAST get me to do a full conclusion to the cliffhanger in that last comic, and with a more straightforward presentation too.  And if this went over well enough, I MIGHT finally redraw the older comics and post them somewhere that other people would actually see them!

If you can't decide, remember that I still want to do all of these at SOME point.  This is just to choose which one gets done first, not which gets done EVER.

Anyway, those are your options, folks!  One of these can be your special Patreon Christmas present this year, so comment away on which one you want!  I'll be taking votes until the end of May, or if every single Patron has voted, whichever comes first.  Now, I'm making this post visible to everybody everywhere, but only my loyal, paying Patrons will have votes that count.  So if you see something you like and really want to see it happen, start donating and help make it real!  Even if it's just $1 a month, it'll still count, AND you'll get to read all the other Patreon comics too!




Although I'd probably like seeing animation, my vote is for Becky and Gilb.


I'm going to say Becky and Gilb