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Hey everyone!

I figure most people who follow my work will be aware by now, but I just wanted to make sure you know that I do a show every Sunday 8pm-11pm UK Time, called Red Planet. This week we're actually taking the week off, so there won't be a live episode, but if you don't know about it, let me tell you about it here and you'll have a week to peruse the old episodes before next Sunday's live episode.

Red Planet is hosted by me, Tim (conquestofdread) Muel (DJ Muel) and Kira (kirachats) and it's a weekly socialist roundtable discussion about how we build to a place where the working class can leverage dual power and change the nature of society. A crucial aspect of Red Planet is that we acknowledge that capitalism can't stop or survive climate change, and so as the climate crisis progresses there will only be more unrest and uprising alongside the collapse of existing infrastructure and power structures, or as we put it "capitalism has failed, communism is coming, let's talk about how we get there"

There's usually a guest and that guest is usually an organiser or activist doing something based to make the world a better place, so we ask them all about it and try to both promote their efforts and inspire others to do similar stuff (sometimes the guest is someone whose activism or organising we can't endorse of course, because some acitivism is against the law and the law IS the arbiter of all morality). Sometimes the guest is a familiar face, such as Mildred "Thought Slime" who's been on a couple of times to join us for discussion episodes. If you don't know about the show the recent episode Mildred was on might be a really good starting place https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCUbv8wK9Pc

Before our guest interview/discussion section, which takes up most of the episode, we cover the week's working class news. We focus on organising, protest, unrest and class struggle news, which isn't always positive of course, but frequently means we're talking about news stories that other news sources simply don't report on that are really inspiring and exciting!

Red Planet is available as a podcast all the places that you can get podcasts:


And all the old episodes are up on our YouTube channel:


And new episodes are live on Sundays 8pm-11pm UK time both on that YouTube channel and on our twitch:


Lastly I'd just like to let you know that Red Planet has a patreon, http://patreon.com/red_planet which is used to pay our producer Conrad Zimmerman, who has helped the show an indescribable amount. Our next patreon goal is to get an editor so we can start producing clips for social media and some documentary content so we can do in-the-field reporting, and I'd love to hit that goal some time soon, so please check it out if you like the show.

More coming soon, watch this space




Is there a complete archive somewhere? Neither the spotify feed nor the youtube channel has the earlier episodes. There is an anchor.fm of the first episodes, but it stops in the middle of the eleventh episode.

Shayna Medinger

I appreciate knowing that it's podcast'd! I'd wanted to watch the livestream in the past, but the timing/length just didn't work out for me. Knowing I can listen to it as I can throughout the week is a great option. Thank you for sharing about this!