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Sketch for the 4th chapter cover.




Seems like a super sketchy situation to me; how come Shore is the only girl who doesn't get to share in this new form of exercise? I know, b/c Eric needed a partner to help out. Not to mention that she's right next to Freya, who's probably recalling their experiences together throughout Ch. 1. Gotta give a shout to the continuity of Freya's gag choice as well, since she claimed that tape was her favorite in Ch. 2 (and apparently not just as a gag, either; given how much is in that first aid kit, it's clear that her preference was well prepared for). Hopefully they brought some alternating colors so as to at least make her bindings more decorative. Even as a sketch you can easily tell how the characters are feeling, such as Michelle's eager head tild against Shore's shoulder and Eric's bored expression; maybe he's just doing that to hide his secret from Jenn, or perhaps it's to keep his attention away from Freya. I can only imagine the dialogue that would be going on this pic: Jenn: Make it real, Eric. There's nothing worse for escape exercises than a loose gag, then it's just an annoyance. Eric (grumbles in annoyance, thinking about Freya): Yeah sure, Jenn, you got it. Shore: Ah look, Frey! Didn't Eric do a great job with the ropes? And in a crouch, too! No wonder Jenn's the athlete in our group, that takes some muscle! Freya: Mmphh hmmph. Michelle (scooting closer to Michelle to get a better look): Lmph mmph fmph... Shore (grabs the leash): Wait your turn, Mich, don't be rude. Eric: Okay, here we go... Jenn: Alright, Operation Escape Hatch is a gmMMPPHH!!! Great start to this page, hope you don't mind my random script at the end (feel free to ignore it, I just wanted to create a random ministory for this drawing before you release the canon version).


This does sounds really good. And suggestions like these do help in the final story.