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Link is preparing to Excuuuse the princess' but.

Might finish this tomorrow.

So once this is done and 1 last commission for the month I will start working on the first 5 pages of chapter 4 and thanks to the previews I've been making I got a good idea on how to make it. Also might add some more sketches and stuff to compliment it, there's still changes that I wanted to make but still unsure about it.



Zach Brown

Out of curiosity, will there be a version of this, without Link?


Of course not. Link will be there eternally, judging you, staring at you with that face.


First jam-orbital, then Loz, now you...Zelda certainly is popular in DiD art right now (given E3 2019 that's no surprise, of course). Not that anyone's likely to complain...aside from Zelda from under that ball gag. Speaking of which, ball gags exist in Hyrule? It doesn't matter if a non-canonical gag is used, as long as you include others in additional variants; duct tape with the Triforce symbol drawn over it would be a good example. For a possible scenario background, maybe this was Link's "solution" to keeping Zelda safe from Ganondorf (but going way overboard in making sure she couldn't leave and get abducted by his enemy once again). After all of the previous instances of Zelda-focused kidnappings, perhaps BOTW Link just isn't willing to take any chances. Based on Link's hand gestures, he could either be a) preparing to spank Zelda for a given illogical "reason", or b) presenting her to a gathered crowd as he makes a speech about the packaged princess (personally I prefer the second one, much more story-focus and humor). I can just imagine his over-the-top speech in that cartoon voice: "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the one and only Zelda of Hyrule! Long has she been a target of roving villains and fiendish cutthroats, forcing ME, a brave warrior proved time and again, to seek her out and bring her home! But no more, for this time I have ensured that she will always be protected from harm..especially the harm that comes from her GETTING INTO TROUBLE ON HER OWN, LET ALONE BEHIND MY BACK!!!" He could then go on telling the stories of each previous game in the series starting with the first one; perhaps each game could be described as a tall tale from previous generations, with Link exaggerating every once in a while Zelda rolls her eyes and groans with exasperation (I know this wouldn't likely be canon, but again...ball gag). Your attention to detail with the ropework is amazingly done, especially in how the tightened ropes bulge against Zelda's limbs and body; this aspect alone once again mixes your distinct style with elements of realism. Speaking of the visuals, nice to see your use of the RYB color model (red for the ropes, mainly blue for Link and Zelda's outfits, and yellow for their hairstyles). Plus brown for the belts, so there's that. The linework and facial expressions are just as expertly rendered as in your earlier draws, so no need to gone into detail there. I look forward to seeing what this looks like when the shading and lighting is added in as well, whenever it's done. And of course, I can't wait to to see Ch. 4 begin! Based on the previews and sketches released for it so far, I'm sure it'll give you a chance to further exercise your artistic skills in an all new DiD adventure. What additional changes are you not sure about? Also one other question: what the heck is supporting Zelda in her webwork of ropes?