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The space elevator is big, really big. It's about 26 tiles wide, which means a lot of pixels to fill. It is also highly detailed, and detail work takes a long time. 

A task like this, working at the highest quality, could take a long time even working full time, so there's no way I can do that. What I can do is shift some of the work from 3D to 2D by just painting on some details, and that is most of what I'm doing now. Even so it is taking a while because I can't work on this full time, I only have certain evenings and parts of weekends. 

I can't just spend months with all my spare time on the space elevator either, that would mean neglecting the general mod updates, discord server management, and the growing team of contributors. Generally only 10-50% of my time can go to the space elevator. It's getting there though, I'm hoping to have a version in closed testing in the next month. 



Daniel Dykstra

that looks amazing! looking forward to it.