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The space elevator has been quite difficult to design. This is the progress so far. There are still things that I'm not quite happy with yet, but the things I want to try will be faster to do in 3d than 2d. 

There are some more structural parts to add, then electronics boxes, lots of pipes, and then a whole load of detail work before the model is done. After that it's the usual texturing, animating, rendering pipeline. It might not be obvious from the screenshot, but the structure is very large. Larger structures take longer, so it will be a while before the modelling stage is finished.




Is there a planned release date for the Space Elevator? I look forward to it and I wonder if I should wait any longer before starting a new game ... :P Space exploration is awesome! :D


The space elevator is probably still a couple of months away. It's difficult to say because, other smaller projects and bug fixes can push things back. It could be sooner or later.