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Rudi and his large dragon-y friend, Torch, have been partners for a long time. And through the years of adventures, facing tough challenges and just  growing up together, their bond has become  deeply intimate. So much so that they're both willing to try to get a bit dangerous and explore some kinks that only a couple of this size difference dare try!

This little comic has some of my best rendering work  in it! And I'll be working on a second page next month!

This is a cropped version. Additional panels and a textless version are viewable on my discord. If you haven't linked your discord to your patreon yet, please do so if you want to see  more art from me :D

For https://www.furaffinity.net/user/toondude10/




So freaking awesome, next level rimjob

Garrett Bradley

Wow. Just wow. I'm at a loss for words, you've taken that relationship between the two and made it into quite the fleshy creation. There's too much to love here, I love the sheer thrill, danger and passion that these two are in. Fantastic job.